SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – 5/1/2017

Monday, May 1, 2017 7:15 PM
(formerly Grace UMC)


1. 7:15 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted. (10 min)
Deputy John Gallegos from Travis County Constable’s office introduced himself.

2. 7:25 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote or make motions, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote. (2 min)

3. 7:27 Approve minutes from April 3, 2017 monthly general meeting (available at (3 min)

MOTION: Betty Weed / Norma Henderson – to approve the minutes from April General Membership meeting = PASSED 42 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain

4. 7:30 Treasurer’s Report – see attachment to agenda distributed at the meeting; all reports are available upon
request to the Treasurer. Presenter: Nancy Byrd, Treasurer (5 min)

5. 7:35 Committee Chairs reports
1) Parks, Schools, Environment; 2) Planning & Zoning – see items below; 3) Transportation & Public Safety; 4) Norwood; 5) Historic District – see item below; 6) Finance; 7) ANC/SCC*; 8) Communications; 9) CodeNEXT-see item below; 10) Executive Committee; 11) South Central Waterfront (5 min)
Norwood–Texas Historical Commission approved a plaque to be displayed at the site. Progress is ongoing (Wolf Sittler)
Parks–9:30-12:30 at the Blunn Creek Nature Preserve this Saturday, you are invited to attend to help remove invasive plants and replace them with native plants. (David Todd)
Executive Committee–We are in need of a Communications chair and a chair for the Planning and Zoning Committee (update: Russell Fraser has agreed to take over as chair of P&Z).
A resident presented information about the demolition of a house at 509 E. Live Oak to the Executive Committee. The EC voted to not take a position in favor or against the demolition of the property. (Gretchen Otto)

6. 7:40 Preservation Austin History Hunt in Blue Bonnet Hills–more details on this event happening May 20!
Presenter/Guest: Sara Luduena, Preservation Austin, (5 min)
Sara Luduena shared information about the architectural scavenger hunt (for kids) that will be happening on May 20th. She shared that there is a need for volunteers the day of the event and asked that those interested email her.

7. 7:45 Saigebrook proposed affordable housing update. The developer is moving forward with the Aria Grand site (Woodland and I-35), and a re-zoning is being requested. VOTE EXPECTED. For more information:
Presenter: Gretchen Otto/Russell Fraser (5 min + 5 min Q&A)
The Planning and Zoning Committee has met with the developer over the past few months. The developer has made several concessions. The committee is in support of approving the zoning change with a conditional overlay. Several of the concessions were reported, including a lower impervious cover %, parking, creek restoration & preservation, etc. A representative from the project assured that the property would not be flipped and they would not walk away from it. She also shared that funding for the project is pretty certain. There was discussion about the effect of this development on local AISD school enrollment. (Russell Fraser & Marc Davis)

MOTION: Russell Fraser/Betty Weed to approve the Saigebrook Development zoning change request, from GR-MU-CO-MP to MF-6-CO-MP conditional to the following:
I move that we approve the Saigebrook Development zoning change request, from GR-MU-CO-MP to MF-6-CO-MP conditional on the following:
Impervious cover limited to 65% (vs. 80% max allowed)
Max. Building Height of 68’ (vs. 90’ max allowed)
Compatibility will be compliant with the City’s long-range planning goals*
Conditional Overlay:
Current NPCD CO commercial uses would no longer be applicable, but would be replaced with more stringent MF-6 prohibited uses
Vehicular to/from Woodland Ave. prohibited
Parking provided on-site
10-foot wide vegetative buffer on IH-35
Harper’s Branch off-site drainage to be designed in such a way as to avoid a single concrete exposed culvert through the property and that satisfies the City of Austin Drainage Criteria Manual (updated 1/6/2017):
subject to City of Austin review of the drainage structure design
With particular attention to 6.7.0 Structure Esthetics which includes children’s safety
On-site drainage via a retention pond or similar structure, instead of fee in-lieu

= PASSED 40 for, 0 opposed, 2 abstain

8. 7:55 Update on proposal to bring Formula E racing (electric-powered F1 type cars), with possible route on the South 1st Street bridge, from City Hall down to the Long Center. Specific feedback requested to pass along to city. See detailed Q&A from meeting between SRCC representatives and Connect Partnership Group (event promoter):
Presenter: Gretchen Otto (5 min)
Information about the race was shared, including the possibility that South Congress will be part of the 1-mile course. There was discussion about the effects on traffic and income to local businesses.

Motion: David Todd/Russell Fraser – to oppose Formula E racing south of the river, including no bridge closures. = PASSED 31 for, 5 opposed, 10 abstain

9. 8:00 GIS capture of neighborhood character and CodeNEXT. Omar has developed an interactive map which illustrates some demographics of the SRCC area:
Presenter/Guest: Omar Navarro, ACC, (10 min + 5 min Q&A)
Omar Navarro, a student of Geographic Information Systems at ACC, gathered information from public sources and mapped it (as a project for graduation). The sources he used included Travis Appraisal District (appraisal value), U.S. Census from 2000, 2010, and 2015 estimates (p0pulation & median household income), and zoning from the CoA. He used the data to create a map tool so that we can look at the neighborhood using various data sets.

10. 8:15 Update on CodeNEXT. Proposed zoning maps were released on April 18th. Portions of SRCC are being proposed as transect zones where zoning is based mostly on the form and design of buildings, rather than their use. SRCC will be forming an ad-hoc joint committee with the GSRC NPCT to review and provide comments.
Presenter: Russell Fraser, Elloa Mathews and Kim Lanzillotti (D3 report) (10 min + 5 min Q&A)
Gretchen shared a packet that displayed CodeNext as it impacts SRCC & St. Edwards areas. The information provided is dense. Gretchen proposed that an ad-hoc committee be formed to look compare old zoning and new zoning to make sure that the new zoning makes sense for the future of our neighborhood. David Swann shared that dates for meetings and district meetings are included in the packets and encouraged that members go to meetings in other neighborhoods to learn more. (You don’t have to wait until the specific meeting for our region.) We have a tight window to provide feedback (prior to June 7th and for the map on July 7th). Russell Fraser pointed out that Neighborhood Plans were going to be honored, but it isn’t apparent on the map. It appears that some of the protections provided by the McMansion Ordinance are being eliminated. The purpose of the committee is to clarify what CodeNext could mean for our neighborhood. Kathie Tovo shared that feedback should continue up until the time when the decision is made by the City Council. We are in District 9, and Ms. Tovo encouraged as many representatives attend the meeting for District 9 as possible. There were also comments made about how the change in density will impact diversity for affordability and age.
*Another meeting will be scheduled to provide more information about CodeNEXT. To join the ad-hoc committee, contact Gretchen Otto at (Meeting to be held on May 9)

11. 8:30 Update on St. Edward’s master planning process.
Presenter: Elloa Mathews, SRCC Area 5 Co-coordinator and St. Ed’s liaison (5 min)

12. 8:35 Ciclovia proposed in SRCC area by Bike Austin for 2018. The Ciclovia is an open street event that would turn over a street to bikers and walkers for part of a day; Congress Avenue is being considered for 2018.
Presenter/Guest: Miller Nuttle, Bike Austin, (5 min)
Miller Nuttle shared information about a possible event which would close the streets to cars and open them to pedestrians and bicycles. The proposed event (May 2018) would be occur between 11th Street and Mary on Congress Avenue (several cross streets would be kept open). There were questions about activities that would be included and whether this would be an ongoing event or one-time. There will be family-friendly activities to get people moving and the question of whether this event would become an ongoing event would be determined based upon the success of the event in 2018 and community support. Mr. Nuttle encouraged neighborhood member to become involved. Email him at

13. 8:40 South Congress Mixed use project, which stretches from Academy to Twomey’s Autobody shop. SRCC representatives met with the developer, Clark Lyda. P&Z will give a report on this project but no vote is necessary yet.
Presenter: Marc Davis (5 min)
Marc Davis shared that the Planning and Zoning Committee has met with the developer. Terrace Apts is going to be re-developed into the Magdalena Hotel. The developers now own a large swath of property along S. Congress Ave, which is going to be re-developed into a mixed-use project. The developers are wanting a waiver for selling alcohol within 500 ft. of a school (School for the Deaf). The developer wants to come to give a presentation to an upcoming meeting. Marc shared information from the developer that distinguishes this project from the variance requested by Torchy’s.

14. 8:45 Formal review of complete proposed bylaws changes. An ad-hoc committee has been working to update SRCC bylaws over the past year, and this will be a detailed review of the proposed changes. Exact wording of changes is available on website here:
Presenter: Carol Martin (30 min)
Carol Martin introduced the committee (David Swann, Sounthaly “Tune” Outhavong, Marc Davis, Gretchen Otto, and Carol Martin). Changes to the Bylaws were presented one-by-one from a spreadsheet, and can be viewed from the link above. Members of SRCC may ask questions and make changes over the next few months. For issues not represented in the Bylaws, we will use Roberts Rules of Order.

There will be an Executive Committee meeting on May 22. The meeting on May 22 will now be a CodeNEXT informational meeting instead
Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team is seeking new members. Visit this page for more information:
Contact Terry Franz if interested:
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers for several open positions
neighborhood watch program organizer
SRCC Special Events Chair to organize the July 4 picnic and annual potluck
SRCC Newsletter Editor
more folks interested in helping on SRCC transportation committee
Austin Monitor discount: SRCC16 for 20% off subscription

Account reconciliation, Profit & Loss and Balance reports available upon request from or

*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team, NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District; SCC: South Central Coalition of NAs

Agenda Prepared by Gretchen Otto,, and Dan Fredine,
Agenda subject to change. Please check for most updated version.

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