Update on Saigebrook’s affordable housing proposals

At the next general meeting on April 3, Megan Lasch will return to give updates on the two possible affordable housing developments that are in planning stages. In advance of her presentation, here is some additional information on the projects:

Aria Grand: located at northwest corner of Woodland and IH-35. Download details here. Download schematics here.

Greyshire Village: located at cul-de-sac at end of Payload Pass near Walmart. Download details here. Download schematics here.

Only one of these two developments will happen; decision has not been made yet. Both require zoning changes. Here is a Q&A between Megan and a neighbor:

Q–What is the average tenure of the families that live in their other projects? What is the turnover?
A–Residents are required to sign a 1 year lease however we find that most of our residents live with us from 5-7 years.

Q–What is the mix of families versus singles?
A–The unit mix will be 60-70% 1 and two bedrooms and 30-40% 3 bedrooms. It’s hard to say exactly how many singles vs families we will have but the property certainly lends itself to a smaller household.

Q–How does the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs rate the Saigebrook Development as a developer of low-income housing?
A–TDHCA does not publish their scoring of developers however we have no compliance violations or issues. With each application TDHCA reviews our compliance record to ensure we are in good standing before another project is awarded to our team. They are welcome to call Patricia Murphy in the compliance department and ask about us. She can be reached at patricia.murphy@tdhca.state.tx.us ; (512) 475-3140. Tell them to reference Lisa Stephens and Megan Lasch, not every project we have done is under Saigebrook, it depends on who we have in the partnerships but Patricia will know us by name.

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