TUESDAY, June 4, 2024 @ 7:00 PM
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SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.
Only members may vote. As an officer, you should be a member. Please confirm by emailing And please register 24 hours in advance.
1. 7:00 SRCC Welcomes Members and Guests
President’s Report.
Presenter throughout unless otherwise noted: Noah Balch, SRCC President
2. 7:05 Approve Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
The secretary’s draft of the minutes from our April 16, 2024, meeting is available at:
3. 7:10 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request:
Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer
4. 7:15 Membership Report
Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership
5. 7:20 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs
a) Planning and Zoning; b) Historic Preservation; c) Finance; d) Mobility; e) Public Safety; f) Parks and Environment; g) Schools; and h) Communications
6. 7:30 Reports from Area Coordinators and Representatives
a) TECHS CAT; b) EROC; c) ANC; d) SCC; e) SCWAB; and f) St. Edward’s (Including discussion by Liz Johnson, SEU Senior Director of External Affairs, and Jim Morris SEU AVP University Operations regarding Historic Landmark Commission Application for demolition of St. Joseph Hall)
7. 7:40 Appointment of SRCC Standing Committee Chairs
Slate for SRCC’s Standing Committee Chairs election.
Planning and Zoning Committee: Anita Tschurr
Historic Preservation Committee: Susan Armstrong-Fisher
Finance Committee: Sam Martin
Mobility Committee: Mark Thompson
Public Safety Committee: Tom Groce
Parks and Environment Committee: Co-Chairs David Todd and Jeff Kessel
Schools Committee: Gretchen Otto
Communications Committee: Betty Weed
Nominations Committee, discussion
Chairs of standing committees are appointed annually by majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Committee. SRCC Bylaws VIII
10 min.
8. 7:50 Mobility updates
Update of next steps in parking reform, including timeline for signage and implementation, how to obtain residential permits, visitor passes, and “warnings only” grace period during the month of July.
Presenter: Mark Thompson, SRCC Mobility Chair, 10 min.
9. 8:00 Encouraging member participation
Discuss encouraging member participation by clarifying and publishing on SRCC website procedures for a member to request adding an item to the agenda.
Presenter: Mary Friedman, 10 min.
10. 8:10 Temporary procedure for minutes
Consider recording meetings on Zoom for future reference for drafting minutes during the absence of a permanent Secretary. Participants would be notified of recording at commencement of meeting and Membership Chair (or other EC member) would review them to create draft minutes, then circulate for and vote on them in the customary manner. Recording would be deleted after minutes are approved.
Presenter: Mary Friedman, 10 min.
11. 8:20 Interaction between Land Development Code revisions and deed restrictions
Request that Mayor and Council direct staff to modify building permit applications to require a demonstration (rather than mere certification) of awareness of deed restrictions and applicant’s efforts to resolve disputes related to the proposed development. Proposed text as follows:
Presenter: P&Z, Anita Tschurr, 10 min.
Dear Mayor and Council:
In light of recent changes to the Land Development Code in Home 1 and Home 2, SRCC respectfully requests that the City’s building permit application process be modified to require that the applicant provide:
- Any legitimate deed restrictions on the subject property and on adjoining properties; and
- A copy of the written notice applicant provided to adjoining landowners, protests received in response and evidence of the applicant’s efforts to resolve disputes with adjoining landowners.
This request highlights our concerns regarding anticipated violation of deed restrictions and requires that applicants demonstrate (rather than merely “certifying” by box-checking) that legitimate building restrictions and documented neighborhood opposition have been identified and addressed.
We believe recent City-wide changes to the LDC can reasonably be expected to burden existing homeowners with litigation costs to enforce deed restrictions. Developers are, on the whole, considerably better-capitalized than the average homeowner. This modification is intended to increase awareness of, and accountability for, existing deed restrictions.
General Membership
- June 18th–Hybrid, Mary on-site to manage/support zoom attendees
- August 20th–Hybrid, Mary on-site to manage/support zoom attendees
- September 17th–Hybrid, Mary on-site to manage/support zoom attendees
- October 15th–Hybrid, Mary on-site to manage zoom/support attendees
- December 17th–Zoom due to many having holiday plans?
Executive Committee (Cancellations possible if not needed)
- August 6th–Zoom
- September 3rd–Zoom
- October 1st–Zoom
- December 3rd–Hybrid, Mary will be in person to manage zoom for EC members not in attendance.
SRCC’s NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program is always looking for more participants. Anyone interested should contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at
This link will take you to information about subscribing, unsubscribing, and posting a message to the neighborhood ListServe:
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council (
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SCWAB: South Central Waterfront Advisory Board
SF: Single Family zoning category
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch, Agenda subject to change. Please check for the most updated version.