Category Archives: Historic Preservation

The Historic Preservation Committee is responsible to support efforts to create historic districts and preservation generally. The Committee reviews applications for demolition, provides advice and suggests a course of action to the Executive Committee.

Norwood House Update (and Volunteer Opportunity)

The Norwood Park Foundation announced several exciting updates on their progress in March. Accomplishments included completion of the new foundation, stabilization of the house’s wood structure and schematic plan finalization prior to additional fundraising. With a grant from SRCC, the Foundation … Continue reading

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The changing face and fate of the Norwood House

Alongside the demolition and new construction is the renovation of the Norwood House. Once one of the finest properties in Austin, it has escaped demolition by neglect thanks to SRCC volunteers and others. The last post showed the first photos … Continue reading

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Remediation of lead paint at the Norwood House will be completed in the next few days. Last week, workers stripped the plaster (asbestos) from the walls and ceilings, off loading more than 7,000 pounds of debris. Now the compromised rafter tails have … Continue reading

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For all those interested in seeing change happen to the biggest eyesore in our neighborhood, the sound of plastic sheeting being stretched over the Norwood House was pleasing indeed! The house is now entirely wrapped in plastic and machines inside … Continue reading

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Posted in General, Historic Preservation, Norwood House | Comments Off on D-DAY AT THE NORWOOD HOUSE!!!