Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.

To vote or make motions, please become a member. Join or renew:
Not sure if your membership is current? Email: and we’ll let you know. We welcome members and non-members to join our meetings. Please register 24 hours in advance so we can confirm your membership status.
Membership fees: single 1, 2 or 3 year: $20/$35/$50; family 1, 2 or 3 year: $35/$65/$95
Use PayPal’s subscription option for auto annual renewals:
1. 7:00 Welcome Members and Guests
Verification of quorum. 20 members at 7:00pm
Reminder: Please state your name when presenting or seconding a motion.
Presenter throughout unless otherwise noted: Noah Balch, SRCC President (5 min)
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm
2. 7:05 Membership Report
Please send us information, stories, and photos for social media!
Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership Secretary (5 min)
Preregistering the day in advance really helps the process, please remember to do so to keep the Meeting efficient. Carol Martin and Mary have been working on the processes to make this work for Hybrid Meetings. The PayPal subscription link needs to be fixed now that we are promoting it.
3. 7:10 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request:
Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer (5 min)
Will shared the Treasurer’s report for June – please pay your dues if they have lapsed. All good there in terms of balance available.
4. 7:15 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs(10 min):
1) Planning and Zoning
Anita Tschurr updates that we will be hearing from William Sayers later on his presentation and then a vote on a prior presentation in May. No other updates other than what will follow later.
General discussion on receipt of PandZ notices; Noah suggested taking it off-line to ensure all the pertinent information is getting to the right folks.
Jude Galligan of introduced and let us know that it covers new developments and is a great resource.
2) Historic Preservation – no attendees but Noah shares that we sent a letter regarding support of a home, 2101 Travis Heights Blvd, and it worked.
3) Finance – no updates
4) Mobility – no updates since last meeting
5) Public Safety –
Tom Groce is looking for people to patrol multiple times per day – any questions, please contact Tom directly. Crime is rising, usually more on the major corridors outside of our boundaries, but we are seeing trends of rising issues on our streets as well. lists crimes by ZIP code, if you’re interested.
6) Parks and Environment –
David Todd lets us know that the LIttle Stacey Park Kiddie Pool is back open and a great place to take the young ones. It’s been closed for 4 years, so it’s great to share with new neighbors.
7) Schools – no update
8) Communications –
Betty Weed asked for a show of hands on who received the Monthly Update? Most people haven’t received it, and it appears that there was an issue with the email addresses in June, but we know how to correct this. At this point, if people ask for the Monthly Update by submitting their email addresses, it will be handled.
5. 7:25 Reports from Area Coordinators and Representatives (10 min):
9) GSRC NPCT – no update
10) EROC NPCT – no update
11) ANC – no update
12) SCC – see Agenda item 8
13) South Central Waterfront – still looking for someone to serve as our Representative for the SCW Advisory Board. Noah discussed the efficacy of being involved, and how we’ve seen benefits as well as feeling our points and involvement were ignored.
Wendy Todd spoke to how these Boards have evolved during the years, and how they are moving into large interests and entities who can develop top notch developments, but it’s not about what they are going to get done but what we can ensure we can see happen. It takes buy-in and involvement. Wendy can bring any interested person up to speed on how to engage effectively with these Boards.
14) St. Edward’s – no update
15) S. Central Affordable CDC – no update
6. 7:35 Approve Minutes
Meeting minutes available at:
Presenter: Chris Phillips-Frishman, SRCC Secretary (5 min)
Minutes for GM May 16th, 2023 approved unanimously
Upcoming Meetings:
GENERAL MEETINGS: August 15, September 19, October 17, November 21
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: August 1, September 5, October 3, December 5
7. 7:40 Planning and Zoning
Presenters: Anita Tschurr, SRCC Planning and Zoning Chair, William Sayers (35 min)
Noah asks that even if the developers are within zoning, aren’t we still able to provide input or discuss Restrictive Covenants and shouldn’t we still be engaging at those levels; let’s ensure that we are still able to engage with the developers regarding neighborhood desires.
There was some clarification regarding SRCC at least taking a position, even if the development isn’t bound by our requests. If we don’t show up and confront these issues, then we are in silent consensus.
● William Sayers of Intracorp ( will present the redevelopment plans for 2105 S. Congress Ave. Q&A to follow.
William Sayers joins the discussion – we are in agreement with the plan as stated, just with objections to the height which have already been discussed. William gave a little background on previous projects that intracorphomes has done, this is their 5th in Austin. This project will feature 274 residential units, 5 town homes, 12% affordability at 80% MFI, 21,000sf of retail, 14,000sf of residential amenity and 500 parking spaces. It will be 7 stories above the ground. Anticipated Construction Start scheduled for Q2 of 2024. Should be about a 2 year build out. Design is being finalized at this point so all details aren’t confirmed.
There will be bike and pedestrian trails, plazas, improved sidewalks and landscaped street level storefronts, protected bike lanes, more parking on Live Oak and SoCo, water and wastewater updates, and monies dedicated to Street Impact Fees.
Five town homes will have a dedicated entrance off of Nickerson. Two other entrances will serve the entire project. The store fronts will be set back about 45 feet, allowing for shaded pedestrian walkways and areas. Most retail shoppers will come in off of South Congress, residents come in off of Live Oak.
On the Nickerson side, there is a no-build restriction of 100 feet from single family homes around there, which entails a restriction of 4 stories on the back end of this project. The design has been modified to honor that.
Wendy Todd asked for clarification on the percentage of 1Br, 2Br, and Studios, and whether these are For-Sale condos and units, not rentals. Unit mix is 40-45% Studio and 1Br and 40-45% 2Br and 10% 3Br. Further question as to whether the 12% affordable will share the same mix, and yes, they will.
Sam Martin asked about the addition of public parking to serve retail. The entire first level of parking will be dedicated to paid public retail parking. Probably about 100 of the 500 spaces will be dedicated to retail parking.
Most concerns have been raised and addressed, i.e. Nickerson access, parking, bike paths, delivery for restaurants and retail, no outdoor music planned.
Thanks to William for sharing and taking the time to clarify and address our issues… a general reminder that his presentation was confidential and should not be shared or be distributed.
● Discuss and VOTE on draft motion for site plan at 2105 S. Congress Ave. There are no asks regarding zoning or variances, they are fully in compliance with current zoning, so they are looking for neighborhood buy-in, but no special consideration.
Since William isn’t looking for any finalization at this point, and it would give us time to meet with the residents, should we put this vote off in order to get more input from those members. VOTE tabled until future meeting.
● Discuss and VOTE on draft motion for rezoning and redevelopment plans for 821 Woodward Street (presented by agent Amanda Swor at SRCC GM meeting on May 18, 2023).
This is an old chemical facility that needs remediation, and we are simply requesting a deeper setback from Blunn Creek than is currently asked for. We would like it to be 100 feet from the center line of the creek, we have asked for this and they have agreed to comply, as well as adding park or recreation areas. They are currently only in the rezoning phase, which is what we are voting on.
Amanda Swor, representing the owners of 821 Woodward, the 16-acre site of the SACHEM chemical plant, presented plans to SRCC during our May General Membership meeting. In summary, the plant is being decommissioned; it will have to go through major site cleanup and then will be redeveloped.
This is a rezoning request, a first step in their lengthy process, from current L Industrial Use to GR Community Commercial use. They plan to build residential with ground floor commercial uses. If they exceed their height limit of 60’ by using VMU2, they are prepared to provide the mandatory affordable housing units.
Proposed Motion: SRCC supports the rezoning of 821 Woodward Street with the caveat that at the appropriate time the owners abide by the attached letter following:
Date: June 16, 2023
To :South River City Citizens Neighborhood Association
From: John Mooney, SACHEM Executive Chairman of the Board
The SACHEM has been working with the South River City Citizens Neighborhood Association (“SRCC”) through the zoning process for our property located at 821 Woodward Street. SRCC has expressed a desire to increase the setback area located around Blunn Creek on our property. As such, we have evaluated the ability to provide a buffer area on the property larger than the Critical Water Quality Zone {“CWQZ”) that currently exists on-site.
The CWQZ on this property is currently 50 feet from the centerline of the creek. Our site will also honor and observe the Erosion Hazard Zone that exceeds 100 feet from the center-IIne of the creek. In addition to the two setbacks, we commit with this letter to additIonal square footage of land equal to at least 25% of the total square footage between the CWQZ and Erosion Hazard Zone setback lines, contiguous to the Erosion Hazard Zone in a shape and manner that creates usable open space.
Carol Martin asked about the safety standards regarding the remediation of chemical issues since they are rezoning. They are aware that there is a lot of remediation to be done, and are committed to it.
Sam Martin asked if there were residences close and if anyone has talked to them about their concerns. Sarah Campbell says we haven’t heard from the neighboring residences, but it’s the creek that divides them, so the setback asked for should minimize impact on them.
Wendy Todd asked if we had communicated with Watershed Protection and reminded us that they may be asking for a greater setback. No one has spoken to them yet.
We voted and passed the approval of 821 Woodward Zoning change (SACHEM). We did get conditions concerning the set back for the creek.
Vote was 18 yes 0 nays, 3 abstentions
8. 8:15 Zilker Park
Presenter: Betty Weed, SRCC Communications Chair (10 min)
● South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations opinions re: City’s Zilker plans
Betty Weed got a lot of information from the SCC meeting. Back in 2020 the City partnered with Design Workshop to help improve Zilker park, they then asked for input for the following year. The plan at that point was supported because it remediated several areas, increasing and developing green space and tree cover and stewardship. All of these suggestions were ignored by the committee, whose goal is more development than remediation and environmental issues.
Betty doesn’t believe that a park like Zilker needs the suggested Welcome Center, since it’s her belief that the park is predominantly for and utilized by the local citizens who already are oriented to the park. There would also be a pedestrian bridge and parking garage, as well as a theater that requires an underground parking structure as well as a land bridge.
What is most troubling is that this group has set themselves to govern this project, and therefore potentially won’t be held to standards.
● Parks & Rec approved Zilker Park Vision Plan on May 23, next stop is City Council Vote on July 21st.
While it’s true that the park needs remediation and help, these aren’t the major concerns that are currently needed. City Council’s final vote is July 21st, write to your Council Member and the Mayor!
Lisa Audiffred is part of and has been told that the vote may be moved from the July Meeting, so we should be aware of that.
Russell Fraser asked about ANC, and Betty reminded us that since they have received their 501.c.3 status that they have pulled way back on the political side of issues, even though they can still advocate for changes, just in a non-partisan way.
Community, Volunteering, and Social Activities
The Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:
If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:
The next Executive Committee meeting is August 1, 2023.
The next General Membership meeting is July 16, 2023.
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SF: Single Family zoning category
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch,