MONDAY, April 17, 2017 Â 6:30 PM
Joe’s Crab Shack Meeting Room
600 East Riverside Dr, AUSTIN, TEXAS
- 6:30 Â Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members. Â Presenter throughout: Gretchen Otto, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.
- 6:33 Â Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Â Presenter: Carol Martin, Membership Chair
- 6:35 Â Â Approve minutes from February 20, 2017 Executive Meeting Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm in location TBD. Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: May 22, June 19, Sept. 18, Oct. 16, Jan. 22, Feb. 19, April 16
MOTION: Dan Fredine/ Russell Fraser – to approve the minutes from the February 20, 2017 Executive Committee meetings = PASSED 8 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain
- 6:40 Â Report from the President: Saigebrook affordable housing update, History Hunt. Presenter: Gretchen Otto, President
- Gretchen shared information from our last general meeting for those who were not in attendance.  The Planning and Zoning committee will be meeting tomorrow (April 18th)  Carol Martin expressed a concern for water quality on this property. The  stream on the uphill side of the Saigebrook Property is the same as the creek  from Heritage Oaks Park, Harper Creek, which  flows under I-35 and under Woodland.
- The History Hunt is happening on May 20th. Â Preservation Austin is narrowing down which houses to include.
- The Blunn Creek Headwaters tract for sale with AISD will be voted on at the next School Board Meeting.
- 6:50 Â Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues, and vote to confirm chairs for upcoming term. Presenters: Committee Chairs. Â Â 1) Planning & Zoning–need new chair from group; 2) Transportation – Michael Sledge, Public Safety- new volunteer STILL needed for Raymond Sinatra; 3) Parks- David Todd (Status of Blunn Creek tract proposal), Schools-Mary?, Environment- Marty Christman; 4) Special Events – volunteer needed (brief mention of changes proposed for standing committees)
MOTION: Â 1)The executive committee voted to replace the chair for the Planning and Zoning Committee. Â Russell Fraser nominated Marc Davis. Â = PASSED 8 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain (NOTE: Marc Davis has declined)
2)Transportation – Michael Sledge will continue as chair, Public Safety- new volunteer STILL needed for Raymond Sinatra;
3)Parks- David Todd (Status of Blunn Creek tract proposal), Schools-Mary & Gretchen will report, Environment- Marty Christman  is willing to co-chair for the environment.
4)Special Events – volunteer needed
Gretchen discussed changing the bylaws  standing committees to ones which reflect the way we have been operating:
- Planning & Zoning
- Finance
- Mobility
- Public Safety
- Parks & Environments
- Schools
- Communications
MOTION: Carol Martin/ Russell Fraser – to reconfirm the existing chairs of the standing committees = PASSED 8 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain
- 7:15 Update on Bylaws Committee–just a quick reminder of our plan for the year. Presenter: Carol Martin
Next step is to post the proposed changes to the website (Draft will be posted within a week, and final revision will be posted in August.) Â These changes will be the main discussion at the May General Membership meeting. Â The vote will occur at the September General Membership meeting.
- 7:20 Ad Hoc Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues.  Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. 1) Norwood- Wolf Sittler; 2) Historic District- Michele Weber; 3) Finance- Sam Martin; 4) Rep to ANC Austin Nbhd Council- James Bilodeau AWOL/Rep to SCC – Elloa Mathews; 5) Communication- Tina Buck is resigning; need new volunteer!; 6) Rep to South Central Waterfront- Wendy Todd; 7) CodeNEXT – Russell Fraser–see below; 8) St. Ed’s – Elloa Mathews; 9) NPCT – Elloa Mathews (brief mention of changes proposed for ad-hoc committees)
Ad-hoc committee chairs are not voted on.  At this point, all chairs are remaining with the exception of the Communications chair.  Communications is moving to the Standing Committees and we are needing a chair!  Gretchen shared that the Ad hoc committees  are meant to be temporary.  It was proposed that 1 year of inactivity will mean that the committee will be dissolved.  There can always be a standing  representative between SRCC and other organizations.  Ad hoc committees that are functioning will document meetings and  report back to SRCC.  (When Ad Hoc committees are formed, they will report their mission and members to the SRCC Executive Committee.  Bylaws state that committee members and chairs of ad hoc committees may not speak for SRCC as a whole.
- 7:35 CodeNEXT update/plan. Possibly form an ad-hoc committee to review the codes for SRCC when released (planned for 4/18/2017). Presenter: Gretchen Otto/Russell Fraser
April 18th is the day when the map is released online for property owners to check the zoning on their property according to the new code.  Gretchen proposed creating a new ad hoc committee to compare the CodeNEXT map with the Future Land Use Map to try to understand whether the codes match up.  The findings of the committee will be reported back to SRCC to give feedback to the City.  Discussion of the membership of this committee could  include Planning and Zoning (all), Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (some) and anyone else who would be interested (perhaps area coordinators).
- 7:50 GIS capture of neighborhood character and CodeNEXT. Presenter: Elloa Matthews
- 8:00 Request for SRCC to support demolition of 509 E. Live Oak.VOTE REQUESTED. Presenter: Jenny Clark, longtime resident
Jenny Clark, who lives behind this property, has bought because she wants to  protect the trees.  The house was built in 1920, and a structural engineer recommended demolishing it due to a poor foundation and roof.  There is a public meeting with the HIstorical Commission next week to discuss the house.  Ms. Clark owns the property and shared her plans for a new construction, but they are not finalized.  She is interested in a traditional style.  She shared that her plan was to rent out to 4 adults, or perhaps 3 adults and a STR for the separate structure.
Motion: Â Sam Martin/Russell Fraser – Â SRCC takes no position on this application. Â = PASSED 8 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstain
- 8:10 Austin is being considered for Formula E Racing in 2018 – Formula One-type cars which are electric powered, and race around downtown streets. Presenter: Gretchen Otto
Gretchen will send out the answers she received to our questions regarding Formula E Racing via email. Â We can respond and discuss at the General Membership Meeting in May.
- 8:20 Future EC Meeting Location. We have had pilot meetings at AMLI Southshore and Joe’s Crab Shack. Thoughts? Suggestions?Presenters: Gretchen Otto/Carol Martin
The Executive Committee agreed to meet at Joe’s Crab Shack for the next meeting.
We still need volunteers for the following open positions:
- Public Safety Co-Chair (in charge of neighborhood watch program),
- Special Events Chair (in charge of planning Annual Potluck and July Fourth Picnic),
- Newsletter Editor (in charge of making newsletter happen),
- Communications Chair
Agenda Prepared by Gretchen Otto, and Dan Fredine,