anc mtg summary – 10/23

Lies, damn lies, statistics: received a briefing by the Austin Community Action Network on key socio-economic indicators for Austin/Travis. You can go to their website: to read about or download report, and to sign up for a twice-monthly newsletter. They will conduct a policy forum on 11/8 featuring Elizabeth Kneebone, author of “The Suburbanization of Poverty”, regarding which Austin is apparently a leader. Go to to register/attend.

Westlake Neighborhood Alliance re-briefed and ANC proposed, a resolution in opposition to River Hills Sports Complex location, See August ANC summary for additional details and ANC website for text. Resolution passed without opposition.

Cherrywood and Blackland NA reps briefed on opposition to the Reconnect Austin plan for depressed lanes on I-35 through downtown. Much discussion and motion to postpone the ANC opposition resolution vote until next ANC mtg in January 2014. Motion failed and motion to adopt opposition resolution passed 26-9 with 10 absentions. I abstained for lack of sufficient information beyond: failure to alleviate traffic, noise increase, gentrification, and running out the poor people.

Discussion but no vote on boundary change affecting Sectors 8 & 9.

Land Development Code rewrite notice of advisory mtg tonite, Thursday, 10/24 at One Texas Center. Public welcome and encouraged to attend so you will know what you won’t like when process is complete.

10-1 update: revised version of 10 district map expected on 11/9, followed by 2 hearings on 11/13 and 11/14, locations tba.

ANC elected new officers, or old officers again.

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