ANC Resolution Regarding the H.O.M.E. Resolution

The Executive Committee met on April 2nd and voted to support ANC’s draft resolution regarding the H.O.M.E. Resolution. The resolution will be presented at the next SRCC General Membership meeting for a vote among all members present. That meeting will be held over Zoom on April 16th. At that same meeting, the Nominating Committee will present their nominations for officers. Members will vote on the slate of officers that night.

You can see a draft of ANC’s Resolution here.

Anyone who lives within the SRCC boundaries is welcome to participate and attend meetings. However, voting on issues is limited to members. Dues-paid members may  vote when SRCC faces motions, elects officers, and makes organizational decisions. If you would like to join SRCC, see how to do that here.

NOTE: In order to vote, dues must be paid a month in advance, per by-laws requiring a 28-day waiting period after dues are paid until new member can vote, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote.

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