Tuesday, December 19, 2023, 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
SRCC: See the future. Shape the future.

1 Welcome Members and Guests
Presenter unless otherwise noted: Noah Balch, SRCC President
Verification of quorum. Quorum was not achieved so we will meet without binding votes.
The meeting was called to order at 705:pm
2 Approve General Membership Meeting Minutes
Vote on motion to approve minutes. Meeting minutes available at:
Presenter: Chris Phillips-Frishman, SRCC Secretary
The Secretary recorded Minutes for the General Membership Meeting of Tuesday November 21st, 2023; the Minutes were distributed for feedback and then published on December 4th, 2023. The President asks if there are objections or corrections to the Minutes, none being voiced, the Minutes are approved unanimously.
Upcoming Meetings:
General Membership: January 16th, February 20th, April 16th, May 21st, June 18th, August 20th, September 17th, October 15th, December 17th
Executive Committee: February 6th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, December 3rd
3 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request:
Presenter: Will Andrews, SRCC Treasurer
4 Membership Report
Members please pay dues to participate in SRCC business and actions, such as voting and making motions. Try the PayPal subscription option for automatic annual renewals:
Presenter: Mary Janecek-Friedman, SRCC Membership
230 Members current on dues – not sure if your membership is current? Email: and we’ll let you know.
5 Reports from Standing Committee Chairs
a) Planning and Zoning
Anita Tschurr gives appreciation for support on the letter for the City Council Meeting on HOME.
HOME Phase 1 has passed; we now need to get diligent about what is upcoming with Phase 2. We have requested information from the City Council about Phase 1 but no reply yet; our goal is to meet this next phase head-on and engage with the information.
b) Historic Preservation
Susan Armstrong Fisher updates on last week’s December Historic Landmark Meeting. There were 3 applications
514 East Live Oak has been postponed again.
1010 Harwood – showed no interest in meeting standards, postponed
402 Lockhart – many contributing homes, will be brought up next meeting.
Preservation Austin supports HOME because of some of the provisions for historic preservation
c) Finance
Will for Sam Martin reminds everyone that the 2024 Budget was approved
d) Mobility
Project Connect postponed to February 2024.
I-35 Expansion has not had any significant changes. There are some lawsuits pending, and financing still needs to be finalized.
e) Public Safety
Tom Groce notes that PTMD on SoCo had pushed some parking deeper into the neighborhood. Always recruiting for more folks to help with Neighborhood watch…
f) Parks and Environment
Look in the announcements for information on Tree Folks!
g) Schools
Gretchen Otto presenter
12/20/23 last day of school for 2023
h) Communications
Spring Newsletter slated for April 2024
6 Reports from Area Coordinators and Group Representatives
Still in planning phases, there should be more information after the January meeting.
b) ANC
c) SCC
d) South Central Waterfront
e) St. Edward’s
7 Increase Membership and Identify Officer Candidates
Ideas and discussion regarding membership and upcoming officer election.
Presenters: Chris Phillips-Frishman, SRCC Secretary
Suggestions included: return to in-Person meetings as feasible; Potlucks should be brought back… a reminder that in the past the Election was held with a potluck; consider moving the Newsletter to a PDF format and distribute more frequently; asking Standing Chairs to submit content to be posted to the website so there is more activity noted; work to develop more Members in Sherwood and East Side areas.
Ruth and Noah to discuss Monthly Newsletters.
8 Planning and Zoning
Presenter: Anita Tschurr, SRCC Planning and Zoning Chair
Discuss results of HOME initiative vote, upcoming steps; updates regarding general topics and projects.
Alpine has given the setbacks that we are looking for.
Two new projects on East Riverside:
1500 East Riverside current Breakers at Park Place
1605 East Riverside, the Summit at Riverside – asking the City for plans as they are still looking for zoning changes
9 Mobility
Presenter: Mark Thompson, SRCC Mobility Chair
General updates re: CapEx, Project Connect, and PTMD.
There have been some areas around Lively Middle School that have been taken out of the PTMD or will switch to a M-F hybrid model for teachers and staff. This will reduce our share of the spaces on our side and affect our share of the revenue. There’s a little bit of a slowdown in the rollout of Employee parking, that’s being addressed.
10 Historic Preservation Vote
Presenter: Susan Armstrong-Fisher, SRCC Historic Preservation Chair
Vote to possibly approve a letter to Austin realtors informing and encouraging home preservation.
Susan Armstrong Fisher would like to draft an SRCC letter to realtors of owners of contributing homes in the National Historic Register and that will give them resources and information to support sales and retention of our historic homes.
Will bring this letter to the next GM for a vote.
11 Committee to Revise Bylaws
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, SRCC Schools Chair
Vote to form a committee to review and revise SRCC’s Bylaws.
Tabled until January… we may have some informal meetings to get some ideas brewing.
TreeFolks is hosting a planting event on Saturday, February 3, at 9am at Blunn Creek. Each volunteer will need to register for the event individually using this form. Once they submit the form they will receive a confirmation email with all the event details.
Children are welcome to attend, and they do not need to register, but must be supervised by an adult at all times. They provide all the trees and supplies, water, coffee, and snacks. They will train volunteers to plant trees and there is no experience necessary.
Contact: Gillian Lea Hodler Community Engagement and Volunteer Coordinator (512) 443-LEAF (office).
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at:
If you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ:
Check crime reports and statistics here:
The next General Membership meeting is January 16, 2024.
The next Executive Committee meeting is February 6, 2024.
The Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SF: Single Family zoning category
TECHS CAT: Travis Early College High School
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch,