TUESDAY, June 7, 2022 @ 7:00 PM
Zoom Teleconference

Only members may vote. As an officer, you should be a member. Please confirm by emailing, and we’ll confirm.
1. 7:00 Executive Meeting Welcome
Presenter throughout unless otherwise indicated: Wendy Todd, President (5 min)
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.
2. 7:05 Membership report & voting
Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. (5 min)
3. 7:10 May 2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Approve minutes. (5 min)
Motion to approve by Sarah Campbell/Noah Balch. No comments or corrections were noted, the minutes were approved.
Remaining meeting dates in 2022: GM Jun 21; EC Aug 2; GM Aug 16; EC Sept 6; GM Sept 20; EC Oct 4; GM Oct 18; GM Nov 15; EC Dec 6
4. 7:15 Treasurer’s Report
All reports available upon request to the Treasurer:
Presenter: Will Andrews, Treasurer (5 min)
Net income exceeded the expenses so far this year. There was a question about newsletter publishing cost – it was about $1200, which was more than usual, but was of a higher quality than we typically have and there was positive feedback. There was a question about the sustainability of printing the newsletter.
There was a request made on behalf of SRCC for a gift card from HEB for the Big Stacy celebration, which may be as much as $100. Per the Finance Committee, the IRS filing obligation is below the threshold of accountability, and there is no reason to declare it.
5. 7:20 Standing Committee updates re: events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs, including 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; and 8) Communications (10 min)
- Planning and Zoning – Several items on the agenda. The Firestone Tire on South Congress will be applying for a PUD – a 330’ office tower.
- Historic Preservation – Nothing to report. Question about notices that there has been a request to build a new house on a lot where the demolition has already occurred.
- Finance – Gayle Goff is beginning the financial review for 2021, as a check and balance for the SRCC treasurer.
- Mobility – May 26th was the South Shore Blue Line presentation. There were no buildings that they were suggesting be demolished. Norwood plans were included in the presentation, though the dog park does lose a little space.
- Public Safety – not much patrolling lately, but keeping up on the crime reports. Most crimes are late at night.
- Parks and Environment – James Talbot, who is doing the Little Stacy sculpture, has started installing the art. Big Stacy Pool is having its 85th anniversary celebration, on July 8th at 10:00 am. Had to cancel the Blunn Creek event last weekend due to thunder, will have one the first Saturday in July.
- Schools – school is out for the summer
- Communications – there will be a meeting to discuss the newsletter, currently asking for ideas, photos, and articles to commemorate 50 years of SRCC. Goal to have sign bids by the August meeting.
6. 7:30 Additional Updates from Representatives and Coordinators
9) Norwood; 10) GSRC NPCT; 11) EROC, NPCT; 12) ANC; 13) SCC; 14) South Central Waterfront; 15) St. Edward’s; 16) S. Central Affordable CDC; and 17) Ad-hoc Land Development Code Revision (10 min)
- Norwood – Nothing to report
- GRSC NPCT – Nothing to report
- EROC NPCT – the final Restrictive Covenant for 1100 Manlove is going to Council on June 13th for final reading.
- ANC – nothing to report.
- SCC – nothing to report
- South Central Waterfront – coming to Council for 2nd and 3rd reading. See later item.
- St Edward’s – nothing to report
- S. Central Affordable CDC – nothing to report.
- Ad-hoc Land Development Code Revision – nothing to report
7. 7:40 Updates from the Planning and Zoning Committee
- VMU2/Compatibility Standards
- 200 Academy
- Statesman PUD
Presenters: Sarah Campbell, SRCC Planning & Zoning, Laura Toups, and Elloa Mathews [VOTE POSSIBLE] (15 min)
Statesman PUD redevelopment. Our previous position was that SRCC agreed with the boards and commissions recommendations and requirements, as well as concerns about the way to capture community benefit. The project has grown in terms of square footage and hasn’t provided increased public benefit. We are considering that SRCC request a postponement of the case, as Bouldin Creek NA has already done. The South Central Waterfront Regulating Plan exists, but is not available for the parcels in question; there has not been not a lot of political will to move the regulations forward, and develop a published ordinance. CM Tovo has worked to promote the plan.
MOTION (Wendy Todd/Dan Fredine): SRCC to draft a letter requesting a postponement of the South Central Waterfront project for the Statesman PUD. 15/0/0 Motion passes.
200 Academy. The applicants have gotten everything that they wanted. There is a subcommittee of the NPCT that is trying to negotiate in order to get 3 Council members to agree to a 10000 sf limit (the developer wanted a 1200 person capacity, the neighborhood wanted 200). The neighborhood is now proposing a limit closer to 600 people.
MOTION (Wendy Todd/Noah Balch): SRCC to send a letter to Mayor and Council stating that SRCC supports the position of the NPCT subcommittee. 12/0/1 motion passes
VMU2 and compatibility. The current proposal for VMU2 would reduce the setback from residential property from the current 540’ to 300’; this will allow a 90’ building to be built 200’ from the edge of a residential property. This seems likely to pass. CM Tovo has held 3 meetings about this, and seems to be the lone holdout. VMU2 adds 30’ of height if they increase affordability. This is intended to be applied on larger and medium corridors; in our neighborhood this includes Riverside and Congress (not Oltorf, Parker, or Woodland). This process is moving quickly, and while we promote higher density, we want to protect the existing neighborhood. We expect that the smaller lot sizes on Congress and Riverside will not allow for the larger buildings, and VMU2 would not apply there. We do not expect the votes at Council on Thursday to be final. SRCC would like them to consider eliminating fee-in-lieu for affordable housing (regardless of rental/purchase), a prescribed mix of housing types (to accomodate families as well as individuals), 15% of affordable housing (in proportion to the increase in height entitlements), and different compatibility standards could be developed for different corridors depending on the lot depth.
Motion (Sarah Campbell/Mark Thompson): SRCC to send a letter to support P&Z recommendations that VMU2 should not allow fee-in-lieu, require a mix of affordable housing units, require 15% of affordable housing, and include consideration for different compatibility standards for different corridors. 12/0/0 Motion Passes.
8. 7:55 Big Stacy Pool’s 85th Anniversary
Vote to allocate part of SRCC’s budget to cover costs of posters to advertise the event.
Presenters: Wendy Price Todd and Sam Martin [VOTE EXPECTED] (10 min)
It has been 85 years since the WPA built the pool. CM Tovo reached out to the D9 Parks Rep to suggest a celebration. This has been planned on the last day of the kids’ swim team at Big Stacy, on Friday July 8th. In order to promote the event we were considering making 10 posters for the event. There was a suggestion that we use this as a recruitment opportunity for SRCC.
Motion (Finance Committee/Mary Friedman): Finance Committee has recommended an expenditure not to exceed $25 for posters to announce the celebration. 13/0/0
9. 8:05 City of Austin Budget 2023 (Fiscal Year starts October 2022)
City Financial Services will present their draft budget to City Council on July 15. CFS encourages us to attend meetings and voice any comments or concerns. They are calling it “SpeakUp Austin!”
Here are the dates to mind:
- July 15: Office of Financial Services presents proposed budget to City Council
- August 2: Maximum tax rate published
- August 9, August 11: Budget Work Sessions
- August 17: Public hearing on the tax rate
- August 17 – 19: Budget readings and adoption
Please also visit the website for engagement:
Presenter: Noah Balch, SRCC Vice President (5 min)
The City is encouraging citizens to attend meetings and provide input on the budget. It was suggested that individuals visit the website and provide feedback, as it impacts tax rates and services. There is typically a dashboard on the City’s website to make the point that City amenities and services require tax money in order to provide those benefits.
SRCC has restarted the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program, and is looking for participants. Anyone interested should contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at to get involved!
Do you have questions about using the Neighborhood ListServ? This link will take you to information about subscribing, unsubscribing, posting a message, and more.
It was suggested that committee chairs keep in touch with the President during the break before the August meetings, should there be anything pressing.
The Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:14 pm.
The next General Membership meeting is June 21, 2022.
The next SRCC Executive Committee meeting is August 2, 2022.
Frequently used acronyms:
ACF: Austin Community Fund
ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council (
BoA: Board of Adjustment
CDC: Community Development Corporation
EROC: East Riverside/Oltorf Combined Contact Team
FLUM: Future Land Use Map
GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NPCT: Neighborhood Planning Contact Team
PC: Planning Commission
PUD: Planned Unit Development
SCC: South Central Coalition of neighborhood associations
SF: Single Family zoning category
ZAP: Zoning and Platting
Agenda Prepared by Noah Balch, Agenda subject to change. Please check for most updated version.