Tuesday, January 19, 2021 7:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
The Internet

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The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.
1. 7:00 Meeting procedures, Zoom tools, etiquette, welcome newcomers. Verification of quorum. Reminder: state your name when presenting or seconding a motion. If an acronym is stated during the meeting and you don’t know what it means, please feel free to raise your hand and ask.*
Presenter throughout: Megan Spencer, SRCC Vice President, unless otherwise noted. (8 min)
2. 7:08 Zoom Demonstration: How to Chat and Raise Hand in Zoom.
Presenter: Gretchen Otto (10 min + 5 min Q&A)
The presenter covered how to raise hand, use chat, see participants, etc.
3. 7:23 Membership and voting. Pay multiple years in advance and get a discount. Single membership: 1-yr $20; 2-yr $35; 3-yr $50 / Family membership: 1-yr $35; 2-yr $65; 3-yr $95 NOTE: In order to vote or make motions, dues must be paid a month in advance, with the exception that if a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew at the meeting and be eligible to vote. (2 min)
4. 7:25 Treasurer’s Report – see reverse of agenda. All reports available upon request to the Treasurer @
Presenter: Will Andrews, Treasurer (5 min)
The report was reviewed and showed activity for November and December, since our last General Membership meeting. There was a question about the Austin Parks Foundation item – this money has come in from developers as fee-in-lieu, and in other cases donations, and is typically used for park related items (not SRCC business). This is being held by the Austin Parks Foundation due to tax purposes. In the past these funds have been used at Blunn Creek Nature Preserve, as well as Heritage Oaks Park and others.
5. 7:30 Committee Chairs report
1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications; 9) Executive Committee; 10) Land Development Code Rewrite ad hoc committee; 11) Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ad hoc committee (15 min)
Representatives: 12) ANC*; 13) SCC*; 14) South Central Waterfront; 15) St. Edward’s; 16) S. Central Affordable CDC (10 min)
Planning & Zoning – P&Z – nothing new other than the item on the agenda below. The piece of property at 200 Academy is up for development again. This is inside the neighborhood, but there is discussion about having this site include a restaurant, bar, and music venue.
Historic Preservation – nothing to report
Finance – nothing to report
Mobility – nothing to report
Public Safety – there was an incident where someone camping at Little Stacy (experiencing homelessness) was harassing people. People from PARD and APD worked together to manage the threat, and the person has moved out.
Parks and Environment – Justin Haynes on Reagan Terrace spoke about Harpers Branch Creek Greenbelt. It is along Kenwood between Regan Terrace and Bonham Terrace, though it is not marked. Would like to add a sign on the brick pillar, replacing a dilapidated chain link fence with a fence similar to those found on Blunn Creek Greenbelt, and include markers similar to those at Blunn Creek Nature Preserve. There is also discussion about in the future removing invasives, cleanups, etc., from this area.
Schools – it continues to be a delicate balancing act between keeping kids, teachers, and families safe from COVID, and trying to educate them.
Communications – nothing to report.
Executive Committee – minutes from the last EC meeting in Dec are posted to the website.
Land Development Code Rewrite ad hoc committee – nothing to report.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ad hoc committee – there was a committee meeting in December. The committee discussed focusing initially on ways to inform/educate SRCC members about the role of neighborhood associations in DEI issues, for example deed restrictions and affordable housing. Committee members have been reading and researching publications related to these topics and plan to post relevant information to the SRCC website.
ANC – has not met since October, will meet next week.
SCC – nothing to report
South Central Waterfront – The advisory board met to receive an update from the consultant regarding a possible Tax Increment Redevelopment Zone (TIRZ) which is a financing tool to help cover infrastructure costs. If City Council moves forward, there will be a public hearing in a few months.
St. Edward’s – nothing to report
S. Central Affordable CDC – nothing to report.
6. 7:55 Approve minutes from the November, 2020 monthly general meeting (available at Reminder: Schedule for General Membership meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:00pm -8:30pm. Location: teleconference during 2021 (eventually will return to Good Shepherd on the Hill). (5 min)
No changes or additions to the minutes were proposed, and the minutes were approved.
7. 8:00 Presentation of the 2021 SRCC Financial Forecast. (10 min)
Presenter: Sam Martin, Finance Committee Chair
The Finance Committee met in early November and developed the 2021 forecast. The EC approved at the December meeting. The forecast for 2021 was shared, as well as the actuals for 2015 through 2020.
8. 8:10 TxDOT Mobility35. Status of the Project from the Program Manager, Susan Fraser.
Presenter: Susan Fraser, TxDOT Mobility 35 Program Manager (10 + 5 min Q&A)
Susan Fraser presented, and Connie Klose and Sonya Hernandez were also in attendance as part of the project team. In addition to building roads, the projects include bike and pedestrian components. The I-35 Capital Express Program includes North, Central, and South components as separate subprojects. The North and South components will start construction in 2022; the Central project is from 290 East (near 2222) to Ben White, and should start construction around 2025. The South project includes non-tolled HOV lanes. Materials from the first public meeting about the Central project can be viewed on the website.
Identified 3 alternatives: managed lanes tunnel, managed lanes lowered, managed lanes lowered (modified at Airport and Woodland).
- Tunneled option includes the managed lanes underground, and some of the lanes will be at different elevations at different locations between 290 and Ben White.
- Managed Lanes Lowered. The main lanes and managed lanes are typically lower than the ground level, and the frontage is at ground level. Woodland Ave would cross over the lowered lanes.
- Managed Lanes Lowered modified at Airport and Woodland. The main and managed lanes are lowered, but at Woodland the managed lanes would be raised and would go over Woodland (no higher than where the main lanes are today); Woodland would be between the main lanes and the raised managed lanes, at the same level as the service road.
All will remove upper decks, rebuild the bridge across Ladybird Lake, and include bike and pedestrian improvements. Some options being considered include: downtown bypass, downtown access-controlled frontage road, downtown boulevard concept, direct transit access at Riverside Dr and Dean Keeton St.
There is a separate OurFuture35 initiative proposed by the Downtown Austin Alliance.
Noise analysis is to start in 2021. In 2022 the draft Environment Impact Analysis will be shared with the public. If it is determined that there is a noise impact, the public (property owners along I-35) would be able to vote on if noise abatement walls will be constructed.
Are any changes to on/off ramps proposed?
They are looking at all options, but have not yet started designing the access points.
A neighbor mentioned the “noise tunnel†created by the creek along Kenwood, and wanted to know if they were aware of/considering the noise inside of the neighborhood, not just along I-35.
They stated that the neighborhood topology is considered. They asked to make sure that the model captures the detail (this is the Harper’s Branch Creek Greenbelt creek bed, between Kenwood and Regan Terrace). It was also noted that the noise level varies according to the time of year – much louder in winter.
A neighbor asked about the effect that I-35 has to divide between East and West, and that SRCC spans both sides of the highway.
One of the mobility program goals is helping to facilitate east/west connections.
There was a request for pedestrian and bike access at the intersections at Riverside, Woodland, and Oltorf to be carefully considered, as it is currently difficult.
There was a question about coordination with Project Connect.
They are coordinating, and realize there will be a lot of construction and disruption.
Will the LBJ bridge replacement help provide access to the hike and bike trail?
They are already having discussions with the CIty and PARD to ensure that they will tie in with the trails. The traffic bridge itself will have pedestrian accommodations.
Here is a link to the presentation materials:
9. 8:25 Affordable Housing on Parker Lane: An Overview of the project.
Presenter: Sabrina Butler, Director of Real Estate Development, Foundation Communities (10 min)
Foundation Communities started as an affordable housing developer, and currently have 23 housing communities in Austin; they own them and have never sold any. They also provide services including an education program, financial stability programs, food pantries, and access to healthcare.
The new location being considered is 2105 Parker Lane, across the street from Heritage Oaks park, at the old United Methodist Church site. This is being developed in partnership with the Church. There is no site plan yet, but expect no more than 150 apartments. The project will include office space for UMC and some nonprofit partners. The housing is restricted to a maximum of 60% MFI and down to 30%. The construction will include green certification, which should help keep resident utility costs down. The project includes a Learning Center and food pantry.
They are currently pulling together financing. If the financing is successful, construction will start next spring, and will take about 18 months; they expect to start accepting residents in the Fall 2023 timeframe. They expect to have a preliminary site plan in March, but the rendering may lag a little.
Is there a zoning change required? Yes, the property will need to be rezoned; the process has started and they are in contact with the EROC contact team.
The length of lease at this site (from the Church, who still owns the property) will be 99 years.
Here is a link to the presentation materials:
10. 8:35 Oltorf Reclaimed Water Project
1605 Brackenridge St. – Request for Variance
Presenter: Russ Fraser, Planning & Zoning Committee Chair (5 min)
Oltorf Reclaimed Water Main – this project by Austin Water is currently in the design phase (Fall 2019 – 2021), and it is for non-potable water. The reuse water line will start on far East Oltorf near Alvin Devane, and will come along Oltorf to Parker Lane. Then it will head North toward Mariposa, and will turn West at Mariposa, traveling to Travis Heights Blvd, and continue North on Travis Heights Blvd to Fairmount. Construction is anticipated Spring 2022 – 2024.
There is an online public meeting to discuss this project Thurs Jan 21st (see details in link above).
1605 Brackenridge – this property is between Annie and Monroe, and the owners are requesting a setback variance. The SRCC Planning & Zoning Committee met with the owner’s architect and the neighbors. The properties between Brackenridge and Drake are treated as “through propertiesâ€. The west and east side of the lots are considered “front†lots, with the requisite setbacks. There are a lot of garages right on Drake.
The owners want to replace an old garage. They want to move it 5’ inside the right of way (the existing garage in on the right of way). They want to remodel and keep the house, and build an ADU. It seemed to be a positive project for the neighborhood, and the neighbors were happy. The Board of Adjustment meeting was right after SRCC P&Z met with the architect. SRCC P&Z is supporting the setback variance with the basis of including an ADU. The BoA granted the variance.
It was mentioned that the rezoning request and FLUM amendment for the property at 1100 Manlove is going to Council next week. This is a residential property at the end of a cul-de-sac in a residential portion of the neighborhood, and the owner is requesting a change to a neighborhood office (commercial) zoning. This property is adjacent to a commercial property owned by the same person, though there is an elevation offset of several feet between the properties. The neighbors have a valid petition against the change, the EROC contact team voted against the rezoning, as did the SRCC general membership. The Planning Commission was split. Neighbors are requesting that people send emails to council members, asking them to oppose this rezoning. Our Council Member, Kathie Tovo, has a potential conflict and must recuse herself.
- SRCC has restarted the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH program, and is looking for participants. Anyone interested should contact Tom Groce, SRCC Public Safety Chair at to get involved!
- Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team members are stewards of our 2005 Neighborhood Plan. To join or for information, visit this page: Contact Terry Franz if interested:
- Do you have questions about using the SRCC ListServ? This link is the front door to everything you need to know:
Meeting was adjourned at 9:02pm.
*Frequently used acronyms: ACF: Austin Community Fund; ANC: Austin Neighborhood Council (; SF: Single Family zoning category; FLUM: Future Land Use Map; GSRC NPCT: Greater South River City Neighborhood Planning Contact Team; NCCD: Neighborhood Conservation Combining District; PUD: Planned Unit Development; SCC: South Central Coalition of NAs
Agenda Prepared by Megan Spencer,
Minutes prepared by Dan Fredine, Secretary,
Agenda subject to change. Please check for most updated version.