SRCC will hold an online general membership meeting on Tuesday, November 17th at 7pm using Zoom videoconferencing.
The agenda will include discussion about some potential rezoning, some demolitions, and a presentation on the Police Oversight project.
When: Nov 17, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
You MUST register in advance for this meeting. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
NOTE: In order to vote during the meeting, you must be an SRCC member in good standing a month in advance of the meeting. Exception: If a former member’s dues have lapsed no more than 2 years, they may renew during that month and be eligible to vote. For the time being, we will not be able to support renewal during remote meetings. Please contact SRCC Membership Secretary Mary Friedman at to join or renew, or with any questions.
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