Register To Vote!

Do you, or anyone you know, need to get registered to vote? Do you need to update your address on your voter registration? There is an online tool that can make the process much simpler: Register2Vote.

Texas is one of a dozen states without online voter registration. Texans can request an application online but the rest of the process is by paper forms and it can be confusing. The Register2Vote site streamlines registration in easy steps:

Step 1 – Click here: to fill out and submit the required information for your voter registration application. For the Texas Primary run-off election, do this step by June 8 to allow time for mailing in the application.

Step 2 Register2Vote will check if you are registered at your current address. If not, you will be sent an application that is mostly filled out with the information you entered.

Step 3 – All you have to do is sign the application, put it into the accompanying postage-paid envelope pre-addressed to your county registrar and drop it in the mail.

Step 4 – You should get your voter registration card in the mail.

Step 5 – To vote by mail in Travis County, print the application form at Fill out the form and sign it, send to County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir, P.O. Box 149325, Austin 78714-9325.

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