Tuesday, October 22, 2019 Â Â Â Â 7:00 PM
Good Shepherd On the Hill
1700 Woodland Ave, AUSTIN, TEXAS

To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online www.srccatx.org.  Not sure if you are current? Email membership@srccatx.org and we’ll let you know.
1. Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.
The EC membership seemed happily impressed by the venue and discussed logistics for possible future meetings.
2. Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Reminder of changes to bylaws regarding voting members of EC.
3. Â Approve minutes from September 16, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Location Opal Divine’s Austin Grill.
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, April 20 (these may be shifted to Tuesdays.)
Carol Martin/Vickie Moerbe to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2019, EC Meeting For: 13 Against: 0 Abstaining: 0 PASSED
4. 7:15 Report from the President: Volunteer opportunities, newsletter articles needed this month from committee chairs, logistics of motions coming from committees, yard signs.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
5. 7:20 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues.
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications
Planning and Zoning: Public hearing (Nov. 14th) regarding a proposed amendment to the land development code which would allow development into the 100-year flood plain for existing homes: Public Hearing Notice
There is a public meeting at One Texas Center hosted by the CoA Planning and Zoning Department regarding the PUD on the old Statesman Property and a proposed amendment. The meeting will be on Wednesday on Oct. 30th, 6:30-8:00.
Historic Preservation: Nothing to report. See item below about Norwood.
Finance: The Treasurer shared that we have surpassed our budget at this point, in part because we are over on Newsletter publications, the Quickbooks subscription is going up in price, and the post office box is going up in price. In addition, we are a little under in membership dues. The money allocated for new signs has not yet been spent.
Mobility: The chair shared information about a parking study for South Congress. At this point, we are seeking more volunteers.
Public Safety: Nothing to report.
Parks and Environment: Nothing to report.
Schools: Nothing to report.
Communications: Nothing to report.
6. 7:40 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; NPCT; ANC*; SCC*; South Central Waterfront; St. Edward’s; S. Central Affordable CDC; ad-hoc Land Development Code Revision
Norwod: There has been trash and some camping near Norwood, including some candles near a tree. This has resulted in concern about the safety of trees.
Ad-Hoc Land Development Code Revision Committee: A member of the EC shared an article from the Statesman. Another member shared information about a public meeting at City Hall this Saturday, October 26th. This member will also be meeting with a council member to discuss the street they live on and offered to represent SRCC as a whole. This member expressed concern that all of the neighborhood is being up-zoned. The member suggested that our efforts be focused at the Planning Commission and provide information through the website. The chair reported that the website allows comments for each particular property and the committee is meeting to try out adding comments for a few properties. Another neighbor suggested increasing interest by putting flyers on houses in the transition zones that let them know where they can find information. It was also suggested that signs be posted around the neighborhood. The president encouraged the chair to discuss the flyer idea and what the plan is for those who get worried. The chair said that she will post things on the listserve and NextDoor.
A member shared that there is an “open house†tomorrow evening (Oct. 23rd) at the main library downtown.
ANC: There is a meeting tomorrow, and they will be voting on who will be on the executive committee for ANC. The chair anticipates discussions about AISD, water preservation, and the code changes. The EC discussed the results of the ANC survey and how it relates to the representatives on the City Council.
7. 7:50 Good Shepherd on the Hill offered to allow SRCC to use meeting space at their church, including General Membership meetings. This could provide some logistical benefits (such as parking, comfortable meeting room, etc.), though they do have a conflict on Monday nights. When discussed at the October General Membership meeting this item was discussed, and feedback about the venue and day change was positive. An article about the possible move is included in the fall newsletter, which should be delivered within the next month.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
The president of SRCC discussed the process for moving the location/time of SRCC meetings.
- Gather more input through December.
- Vote at the EC Meeting in January.
- If the EC votes in support, General Membership vote in February.
- Potluck in March held at new location.
Signs have not been created yet, so Eric will touch bases with the designer to see if he is still on board for working on signs. (The president is out of town the last two weeks of November.) If that designer is not up for working on this project anymore, a new designer will be found. The goal is to have the design ready by February meeting and determine location after the vote. Immediately after the vote, move forward with creating the signs. If they cannot be completed in time, the March meeting can be advertised by modifying the old signs.
A member expressed concern about parking for the Pot Luck. It was suggested a map be emailed out to the membership before the Potluck so that members know where to park. Acoustics seem better at the new location. It was suggested that we have a banner for the hill to advertise upcoming meetings.
Moving the General Membership meeting to the new location means also that it will be moved to the 2nd Tuesday of the month. In addition, the EC meeting would move to the 4th Tuesday.
SRCC currently has the following volunteer positions open:
- South Central Affordable CDC Representative
- Historic Preservation Committee Chair
- Outreach Committee Members/Chair
- Co-Vice President
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine, vicepresident@srccatx.org
Minutes Prepared by Mary Friedman, secretary@srccatx.org