Should we change our meeting place and date? Your input is requested!
SRCC’s current meeting location and day presents challenges in accessibility, parking and scheduling. As a result of feedback from neighbors and a gracious offer by Good Shepherd on the Hill to host our meetings, we are considering making a change.
Proposed Location: Good Shepherd On The Hill at 1700 Woodland Ave. The key advantages include a convenient location with ample free, on-site parking (approximately 30-35 spaces) including handicapped parking with overflow street parking nearby and a ground-floor meeting venue providing easy accessibility.

Proposed Day and Time: Second Tuesday of the month at 7pm. The key advantages include an earlier start time, the ability to hold the annual pot-luck and elections on the same night as the regular meetings and no meetings on Labor Day.
We need your input! SRCC has formed an ad-hoc committee to explore this possibility and collect input from neighbors. We’re just getting started on this process and it’s critical that we gather feedback from as many neighbors as possible, including you! Please contact Eric Cassady,, with comments, opinions and questions.