Monday, June 17, 2019 Â Â Â Â 6:30 PM
Opal Divine’s Austin Grill (Best Western Hotel)
2200 S IH 35 Frontage Rd., AUSTIN, TEXAS
To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online www.srccatx.org. Not sure if you are current? Email membership@srccatx.org and we’ll let you know.
1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC President, unless otherwise noted.
Meeting called to order at 6:34 pm.
2. 6:35 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Reminder of changes to bylaws regarding voting members of EC.
3. 6:40 Approve minutes from May 20, 2019 Executive Committee Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Location Opal Divine’s Austin Grill.
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, April 20
MOTION: Carol Martin/Claudette Lowe To approve the minutes from the May 20th EC Meeting. 10/0/0 Passed
4. 6:45 Report from the President: Volunteer opportunities, yard signs, ad-hoc Outreach Committee.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
The president wrote an article for the newsletter and posted it to Nextdoor, the listserv and the SRCC Website to list open positions for SRCC. Megan Spencer has stepped forward to be area coordinator for 4a. (Vote later). Update on Yard Signs: Nathan has sent some designs were sent out to some representatives to get feedback. The next step will be to share with the EC, and we are on track to present a design for approval to the general membership in August or September. The president also shared that two letters went out (that we voted on at the last General Membership meeting): South Central Waterfront Vision Statement and Land Development Code issues.
5. 6:55 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues.
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools–see item below; 8) Communications
- Planning and Zoning: Nothing to report for Planning and Zoning, however the Chair is also working on the ad hoc committee to deal with the Land Development Committee re-write. The ad hoc committee is putting a position paper ready. (For more information go to City of Austin Council website and watch the recording of the April 25th meeting. Item 11 was a discussion of a memorandum regarding the Land Development Code.) Members of the ad hoc committee will be going to a City Council meeting ASAP, probably later this summer , as the memorandum will greatly affect residents of SRCC. They will be going in an informal capacity, and be will presented to the SRCC General Membership at a later date for a vote.
- Finance Committee: Nothing to report
- Mobility: Nothing to report
- Public Safety: We are still looking for volunteers to patrol. Contact the chair of the Public Safety Committee. The EC also revisited the camping ordinance discussed at the last general membership meeting, and the ordinance allowing camping in public places, but that does not include city parks, which have curfews.
- Parks & Environment: Nothing to Report
- Schools: Nothing to Report
- Communication: Nothing to Report
6. 7:15 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; NPCT; ANC*–see item below; SCC*; South Central Waterfront–see item below; St. Edward’s; S. Central Affordable CDC
- Norwood: The site plan went up to for review, and SRCC’s approval was expressed
- NPCT: Nothing to Report
- ANC: Nothing to Report
- SCC: Nothing to Report
- South Central Waterfront: Nothing to Report
- St. Edward’s: Nothing to Report
- S Central Affordable CDC: Nothing to Report
7. 7:25 The Student Council at Lively Middle School (formerly Fulmore) would like to apply to the Neighborhood Partnering Plan (NPP) to be able to paint the crosswalks with the new Lively logo, and possibly also include a banner and some birdhouses and benches. The NPP is a City program that provides funds for park and street projects if you provide volunteers. Students would be expected to budget, campaign, present designs to the public, and complete community service hours needed for their portfolios, and neighbors would participate as well. It is proposed that SRCC preliminarily approve signing the application as a first step, with the understanding that the students will present more information at the August SRCC General Membership meeting. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link to a description of the Neighborhood Partnering Plan.
Presenter/Guest: Sherry Lepine, PhD, Academic Director, Sarah Beth Lively Middle School, sherry.lepine@austinisd.org
The President introduced Ms. Lepine. She shared that students are working on designs for painting crosswalks. The students will be working on a Problem-Based Learning Project that includes surveying residents and presenting to a meeting of SRCC. Another project for along Congress Avenue in front of the chain link fence (24-48 feet). The children want to put a mural that shows the history of the school to record the school’s history, as the name has changed.
If we sign on at this point, we are committing to being an audience for student presentations regarding design and different aspects of the projects. Ms. Lepine is asking that we sign the paperwork for the NPP for a June deadline.
MOTION: Eric Cassady/Carol Martin To support the Lively MS Neighborhood Partnering Plan by signing the application to initiate the project. 10/0/0 Passed
8. 7:40 The South Central Waterfront Advisory Board (SCWAB) has been set up to help implement the vision for development in this area. A working group is being created to include SRCC, Bouldin, and City staff in order to more proactively get the plan for a financial framework implemented; this would allow affordable housing money to be used near this area. It is intended that SRCC appoint a representative to this group, and Wendy Todd (current SRCC representative to the SCWAB) has volunteered to fill that role. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
The President reviewed a topic discussed at our last general membership meeting: a vision plan has been voted on by the City regarding development in the south central waterfront area. This plan was to outline guidelines for developers to follow. The city has yet implemented the plan, meanwhile development has been moving forward. Wendy Todd has volunteered to take on the role as a representative on a working committee.
MOTION: Eric Cassady/Sam Martin To appoint Wendy Todd as the SRCC representative on the “South Central Waterfront Vision Framework Plan†Working Group. 10/0/0 Passed.
8. 8:00 Megan Spencer has volunteered to fill the role of area coordinator for area 4a. The executive committee needs to vote to appoint her to this position. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Eric Cassady, President
Motion: Sam Martin/Russell Fraser To appoint Megan Spencer as area coordinator for area 4a. 10/0/0 Passed.
9. 8:05 In order to make contributions tax deductible, including in-kind contributions, the Austin Neighborhood Council is proposing becoming a 501(c)(3) corporation. They will be holding a vote on this at the upcoming ANC meeting, and we want to define SRCC’s position. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Link to draft ANC resolution to become a 501(c)(3) corporation.
Presenter: Gabriel Pereira, SRCC Representative to ANC
Our representative shared that the ANC is wanting to change designation from 501(c)(4) to a 501(c)(3), which is a charity. The response at the ANC meeting was mixed, as ANC endorses candidates, which is not allowed for a 501(c)(3). They still can take positions on issues, however they cannot support political parties. Members in the EC expressed concern that the change would diminish the ability of ANC to lobby with city council members. Our representative stated that the desire to change their designation is to allow large donations which would then be tax-deductible. A suggestion was made to have these donations be made to a guiding organization, such as the Austin community Foundation or Austin Parks Foundation, which then can manage the money as ANC desires.
MOTION: Eric Cassady/Sam Martin That SRCC opposes the change of ANC to a 501 (c)/(3). 11/0/0 Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm.
SRCC currently has the following volunteer positions open:
- Mobility Committee Chair
- South Central Affordable CDC Representative
- Area Coordinator for Area 4a
- Land Development Code Rewrite Committee Members/Chair
- Outreach Committee Members/Chair
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine, vicepresident@srccatx.org
Minutes Prepared by Mary Friedman, secretary@srccatx.org