MONDAY, May 21, 2018 6:30 PM
Joe’s Crab Shack Meeting Room
600 East Riverside Dr, AUSTIN, TEXAS
To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.
1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC Co-Vice President, unless otherwise noted.
2. 6:35 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Reminder of changes to bylaws regarding voting members of EC.
3. 6:40 Approve minutes from April 16, 2018 Executive Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Joe’s Crab Shack.
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: June 18, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, April 15
MOTION: Dan Fredine/Sam Martin to approve minutes from EC meeting from April 16, 2018. 8 for, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining = Passed
4. 6:45 Report from the [Co-Vice] President: Presidential vacancy; co-vice president roles/responsibilities.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, Co-Vice President
Eric reminded us that the office of president is still vacant. Until someone steps forward, Eric and Dan will split the responsibilities: Eric will chair meetings, attend committee meetings as needed, write official SRCC letters, answer president’s email and forward them to the appropriate party, manage SRCC email/groups in Google, consolidate material that we currently have (standing rules that are worked out and supplemental to the bylaws), and yard sign management. Dan will do all the meeting preparation, setting up and creating the agenda, send out yard sign email, process city notices, and attend committee meetings as needed.
5. 6:50 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility (chair needed); 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications
Planning and Zoning: Gretchen has been communicating with Russell, as he is out of town. Â Projects are ongoing and have been presented at earlier meetings.
Historic Preservation: Michelle Webre reported that the organization has received a large donation to cover the registration for the National Register, which will take about a year (to be completed by May of 2019).
Finance: See separate agenda items. SRCC finally has signing abilities through the bank for the co-presidents and treasurer. We can now write checks!
Mobility: No update, but Mike Kelly has stepped down as mobility chair.
Public Safety: Tom Groce was not able to attend, but Eric reported that he has developed an online sign-up method and documents, which will be shared over the next month. Tom would like to share information a the next general membership meeting.
Parks and Environment: The conversion of roads to trails in Stacy Park is in process and should be completed soon.
Schools: The president of the board of trustees resigned today. Tomorrow we find out who the new principal will be.
Communications: Gretchen has put out a call for articles for the newsletter to be distributed in June. She would like to have articles about:
- Mary Street Local Historic District (passed by the City Council)
- vacancy for President of SRCC
- CodeNext update
6. 7:05 Betty Weed has volunteered to fill the the role of Communications Chair. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Eric Cassady, Co-Vice President
MOTION: Carol Martin/Mary Friedman To appoint Betty Weed as Communications Chair 11 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining = Passed
7. 7:10 Requests have been made for contributions from SRCC on behalf of Travis Heights Elementary School in the amount of $500, and on behalf of the Blunn Creek Partnership in the amount of $2500. The Finance Committee has reviewed both requests and is recommending approval of both. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Sam Martin, Finance Committee Chair
Travis Heights Elementary has requested a donation of $500 to support training for teachers to update their skills to use Project Based Learning, Blended Learning, and Social Emotional Learning. The finance committee recommended funding this contribution. As a benefit, SRCC is recognized as a partner on the website and advertisement materials from the school. This money will come from the general fund of SRCC.
Sam Martin discussed the procedure for approving donations such as this and shared that each is considered on a case-by-case basis. Two criteria will be cons There was discussion within the EC committee about when financial decisions need to be brought up first to the EC meeting and then to the general membership meeting for a vote and which can just be approved at one meeting.
MOTION: Laura Gas Weaver/Gretchen Otto to approve a one-time donation of $500 to Travis Heights Elementary as recommended by the finance committee. 11 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining = Passed
A second request was requested by David Todd on behalf of Blunn Creek Partnership for $2500 from a fund that SRCC has in the Austin Parks Foundation. The funds will be used to revegetate an area where invasive/non-native plants have been removed. This money will be used to buy plants. The finance committee recommends funding this request.
MOTION: Elloa Matthews/Oliver Caruso to recommend approval of the $2500 donation to the general membership at the next meeting. 11 for, 0 opposed, o abstaining = Passed
8. 7:15 The Finance Committee proposes that the Executive Committee adopt a policy for who has signature authority for the SRCC General Fund at Capitol Credit Union. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Sam Martin, Finance Committee Chair
Sam Martin shared that the finance committee was asked to develop a policy of for who has signature authority for the SRCC General Fund at Capitol Credit Union. The committee decided upon the following:
SRCC shall have a minimum of three elected officers, including the treasurer, president, and vice-president (or co-vice presidents), who are authorized to make expenditures from SRCC financial account(s). The Executive Committee shall determine as often as necessary who is authorized to have expenditure authority on behalf of SRCC
MOTION: Sam Martin/Oliver Caruso to approve the language as written above. 11 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining = passed
9. 7:20 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; CodeNEXT; NPCT; ANC*; SCC*; South Central Waterfront; St. Edward’s
NPCT: Elloa Matthews brought a notebook to the EC meeting of notices that the NPCT recieves regarding variances, parking permit requests, FLUM amendments, etc. that are sent out by the City.
From ANC meeting, Elloa presented request for ANC member neighborhoods to send speakers to Saturday, June 2 City Council Public Hearing on CodeNext. She presented Green/White postcard sent by Planning Dept. as official notice that each property owner will have zoning changed and provided ANC handout on suggested speaking points.
From CNC: Elloa reported on Item #37 on this Thursday’s 5/24 Council agenda: “Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to prepare draft language for all necessary ordinances, actions and approvals to place the CodeNext petition-sponsored ordinance on the ballot.â€
Council Members Ora Houston, Alison Alter, Leslie Pool and Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo. CNC and ANC are requesting people show up and wear CN tee shirts
From SCC meeting: Elloa reported on PODER request that Council repeal the East Riverside Corridor Regulating Plan due to its displacement of low income people from existing affordable housing as well as discussion of opposition by other council members to funds from “Hooters†PUD to Bouldin CDC.
For Neal/Area 5:
Neal volunteers at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Food Bank on Monday nights. In the 10 or more years we’ve been co-area coordinators, he has been responsible for dissemination of newsletters in Area 5 since he can’t attend Monday night meetings. We request clarification that he is not required to attend EC meetings due to his volunteer work.
10. 7:30 The SRCC CodeNEXT ad-hoc committee has developed a position paper update on the ever-changing CodeNext. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, SRCC CodeNEXT Committee Member
The CodeNEXT ad hoc committee decided, rather than write a new position paper, but instead write a cover letter, attaching the previous position paper and documentation. Gretchen shared a document that summarized the committee’s thoughts after a year of working on CodeNEXT, with its complexities and revisions. At this point, the committee takes the position that CodeNEXT is a complete failure and that the effort should be terminated immediately.  See CodeNext_Updates
MOTION: Gretchen Otto/Elloa Matthews approve the new cover letter on version 3 of CodeNEXT and supporting documentation, to be sent to appropriate…. 12 for, 0 opposed, 0 abstaining = PASSED
11. 7:40 Bouldin Creek Community Development Corporation is becoming South Central Austin Community Development Corporation and they are inviting other SCC NAs to join. The Finance Committee has reviewed pertinent financial information.
Presenter: Sam Martin, Finance Committee Chair
Sam Martin reported that the finance committee came up with questions to be asked of the Bouldin Creek Community Development Corporation. The questions have been sent to an attorney and we don’t have answers yet. Gretchen Otto reported that waiting for the answers to those questions is very appropriate, as Gretchen is on the board and can report back to SRCC.
12. 7:50 As part of last year’s update of the SRCC bylaws, the number of standing SRCC committees was increased in order to allow more focused committees. In the past, committee co-chairs were allowed. There has been discussion about allowing a single chair for each committee, as to have an equal influence on Executive Committee votes. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Eric Cassady, Co-Vice President
Eric shared concerns that arose at our last EC meeting regarding allowing a single chair OR co-chairs of standing committees and its influence who can vote on the EC and the size of the EC. The bylaws allows co-chairs of committees, to encourage involvement. In addition, most areas of the SRCC have two or three area representatives, which can have the same effect. The addition of committee chairs and area coordinators to the EC has changed with the update of the bylaws. It was suggested a solution would be that one committee get one vote, which would require a change to the bylaws. It was decided that no action occur at this time.
13. 8:05 Continuing problems with the body shop on Rebel Road. Issues include trespassing, working on vehicles in the street, and late night noises on a regular basis. In 2012 this was brought before SRCC and a letter was written but problems continue. Neighbors are looking for help in order to find a solution.
Here is a link to the SRCC letter written in 2012.
Presenter: Jose Martinez, Rebel Road Resident
Jose Martinez, Melinda Curry, and Jim Hallinan presented a list of problems that have been occuring with the body shop on Rebel Road. Originally, the body shop operated without a permit. Mr. Martinez has been reporting the problems to vehicle abatement, the city of Austin, and APD. They have had trouble getting enforcement. These neighbors are asking for help. A neighbor suggested that a lawyer be consulted to write a command letter. Anther neighbor shared that problems such as these have existed on the east side of Austin and there is someone (an engineer) who can help, especially with pollution issues. In addition, the newly renovated business that is going in to the building across the street from the body shop is owned by a lawyer who may be open to helping with the issue.
Mr. Hallinan shared that they would like for SRCC to draft another letter and Mr. Martinez requested that SRCC support bringing the issue to the City Council and City Manager. (Gretchen shared that she helped write a letter in 2014, so another vote does not need occur.) They would like a representative be present to a meeting with Tovo’s office and APD code enforcement, and to help with follow-up after the meeting. Eric and Dan agreed to work with Mr. Martinez.
See notes here: Rebel Road.
14. 8:25 Joe’s Crab Shack does not have a separate meeting space available to SRCC Executive Committee for use on Monday nights. Alternate locations can be considered if anyone has suggestions.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, Co-Vice President
Elloa shared that Gardner Betts has a meeting room and it has been offered to us. Twin Oaks was suggested, but is no within SRCC boundaries. No decision was made. Other ideas can be emailed to Eric or Dan.
- We still need volunteers for the following open positions:
- Â President
- Mobility Chair
- Still also looking for Area Coordinator for Area 4a and Area 7.
Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine,
Minutes Prepared by Mary Friedman,