SRCC EC Meeting Minutes — April 2018

MONDAY, April 16, 2018 6:30 PM
Joe’s Crab Shack Meeting Room
600 East Riverside Dr, AUSTIN, TEXAS

To be sure you get a vote, be a member. You can join or renew online Not sure if you are current? Email and we’ll let you know.

1. 6:30 Meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome & introductions of new members
Presenter throughout: Eric Cassady, SRCC Co-Vice President, unless otherwise noted.
Meeting called to order at 6:44 pm.

2. 6:35 Membership & voting announcements. Reminder that SRCC current dues status is required to participate in SRCC business and actions such as voting and making motions. Reminder of changes to bylaws regarding voting members of EC.
As this is the 1st EC meeting after the adoption of revised bylaws and with the newly elected officers and appointed members, throughout the meeting, Carol Martin reviewed passages of the approved bylaws, noting what has been added and revised. All EC should review the bylaws document, posted on SRCC website Regarding EC quorum: A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be 5 Executive Committee Members, 2 of which shall be Officers.

3. 6:40 Approve minutes from January 22, 2018 Executive Meeting
Reminder: schedule for Executive meetings: 3rd Monday of the month; 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Joe’s Crab Shack.
Proposed meeting dates through rest of term: May 21, June 18, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, April 15
Mary Friedman will post the dates on the calendar. Carol Martin reviewed bylaws regarding EC meetings. To summarize: minimum of 3 EC meetings throughout the year is required. They are scheduled every month, if there are no agenda items that require action, President may cancel . (No meeting in July and January.) For an email vote, which is only used in urgent cases that can’t be scheduled during general membership meeting or EC meeting. In order for an electronic vote to pass, at least half of the EC committee has to respond with an affirmative vote. (There are approximately 32 members of the EC committee.)

MOTION: Dan Freline/Sam Martin to approve the minutes from the Executive Meeting on Jan. 22nd, 10 for, 0 against, 1 abstain = PASSED

4. 6:45 Report from the [Co-Vice] President: Presidential vacancy; officer transitions; co-vice president roles/responsibilities.
Presenter: Eric Cassady, Co-Vice President
Eric reported that the president’s office is still vacant. Please share this information with your neighbors and let Eric and/or Dan know of interested parties. Eric Cassady is functioning with Dan as a co-vice president. He and Dan have met several times with Gretchen Otto to learn their roles. Oliver Caruso has met with Nancy Byrd to become familiar with his responsibilities as the Treasurer. Dan shared that the email is being monitored by Eric as well as a new email address assigned to him,

5. 6:55 Committee check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs. 1) Planning and Zoning; 2) Historic Preservation; 3) Finance; 4) Mobility; 5) Public Safety; 6) Parks and Environment; 7) Schools; 8) Communications (chair needed)

–1) Planning and Zoning
Russell Fraser shared that the developer of the State House Apartments wants to present to SRCC at some time in the future, perhaps May (Big Red Dog is the construction company).
Music Lane stretches along Congress from Academy to Tommy. To the east, there is another large project called the Magdalena Hotel.
Penn Field wants to do an office addition, P&Z is reviewing information
The DSD of CoA is seeking input from citizens, and Russell is asking P&Z to defer our standing Preservation
1712 Woodland Hills Subdivision (Woodland & Sylvan Dr) is doing a renovation, but Russell doesn’t think that they will need a variance, P&Z is reviewing information
Barbara Cilley shared concern about South Central Waterfront.
Dan reported that he and Wendy Todd are meeting about the Statesman property. Russell suggested forming another ad-hoc committee to work on this. He suggested doing a master plan to that whole area and Gretchen Otto shared that requirements are spelled out in the South Central Waterfront Plan.

–2)  Historic Preservation
Gretchen shared the Mary Street Historical Commission went before the planning commission and was passed. It will next be presented to the City Counsel.
Barbara Cilley said that she was meeting with Kathy Tovo regarding the preservation and renovation of Stacy Pool. She shared that the suggestion was made that the the City initiate the process for that historic zoning, because they will pay for the survey. She also shared that there are many city buildings that should be designated historic

–3)  Finance Committee
Sam Martin shared that we have received a request from Travis Heights Elementary School for additional donation beyond the $100 that we annually give to each of the schools. It is also possible that additional donation will likely be requested from the Preservation Committee.
In addition, Sam shared that the Finance Committee will reporting back about a policy of who will be signing on the checking account.
Oliver Caruso also shared the profit and loss report for SRCC.

–4)  Mobility
Barbara Cilley reported that she would like to get on the agenda for the next General Membership meeting to discuss doing a comprehensive traffic study in relation to a pro-soccer event at St. Eds that will bring in 20K people

–5)  Public Safety
Tom Groce shared some of the documents that he found from prior work on the Neighborhood Watch. He also shared that magnetic signs exist and are stored at Pat Conegliano’s house.
Tom is seeking input on the policies from the past, as to whether they should be amended or used as is.
Tom also discussed that it might be useful to have more signs throughout the neighborhood. The signs from the city are expensive, but they can be purchased outside of the city.
Carol shared that a major goal of this committee could to educate of our neighbors. The more that the people feel comfortable calling 911 or 311 appropriately, the more safe our neighborhood will become.
Eric Cassady requested that the documents be reconciled for drivers, walkers, and bicycle neighborhood watch to remove some confusion.
The EC committee gave Tom leeway to modify and share documents.

–6)  Parks
David Todd shared that the headwaters tract of Blunn Creek (9 acres) has been pulled off the market and put on hold by AISD. A strong letter came through from Parks and Recreation, endorsed by Watershed, to purchase the tract. Mayor Pro-Tem Tovo endorsed the purchase. The Parks Foundation reps have been helpful, too. The sticking point is that AISD is having a large budget shortfall.
Because the headwaters are actually in District 3, Carol Martin asked if Council Member ‘Pio’ Renteria has stated his position of the issue.

–7)  Schools
Lisa Robertson, principal of Travis Heights Elementary, is retiring. There are celebrating her retirement, and the community is invited: April 27th from 4-6 in the school cafeteria, and the other is on a Saturday in mid-May (a pot-luck).
Barbara Cilley discussed that the Travis Park Apartments will be coming up for renewal as low-income houses several years out from now. She is concerned that money is being cut from affordable housing at the Federal level and wants to put it in everyone’s mind.

–8)  Communications
We are still in need of a communications chair. Both Dan and Gretchen have talked to neighbors who might be able to help us out.

6. 7:05 Review of SRCC Bylaws with respect to Standing Committees; membership, role of chairs, rules for committees. WIll include a vote to confirm committee chairs for the upcoming term. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Carol Martin, Membership Secretary

Carol Martin shared
The president is an ex-officio member of all Standing committees
From Bylaws:
A. Standing Committees
General Duties of Committee Chairs: To stay informed and engaged regarding the committee’s area of responsibility, focusing on issues that directly impact the neighborhood.
To review issues and make policy recommendations to the Executive Committee.
Standing Committees : Planning and Zoning, Finance, Mobility, Parks and Environment, Historic Preservation, Public Safety, Schools, and Communication
Rules for Standing SRCC Committees:
• The Chair (or Co-Chairs) of each Standing Committee shall be appointed annually by a majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Committee.
• Members of the committee shall keep a record of each meeting held, including the date and place
of the meeting, who was at the meeting, and decisions made at the meeting.
• Members of the committee shall provide reports for the monthly General Membership meetings.
• When meeting with non-SRCC representatives (e.g., city staff, local businesses, and developers), the committee shall not act as final decision maker for the SRCC, but can examine issues and discuss possible solutions. Committee members shall keep a record of this communication.
• Only SRCC dues-paid members are eligible to participate in a committee.
She also shared information about options recommended by RONR (Robert’s Rules) for appointment members of a committee.
For record-keeping purposes, committee chairs can either give records to the Secretary or put them in the SRCC Google Drive folder for that committee. At a minimum, each record should include the date of the meeting, who was in attendance, and what was discussed or decided.

Motion: Sam Martin/ Oliver Caruso that the committee chairs have power to appoint the members of their committees. 12 for, 0 against, 0 abstaining = PASSED

Discussion of regarding this motion:
If a committee were problematic, the EC committee has the authority to appoint, remove and replace a Standing Committee chair.
Standing Committee process guidelines are not in the bylaws. It was suggested that the a policies and procedures document be created for Committees, and possibly a document that organizes voting records by topic.

Motion: Carol Martin/Dan Freline to appoint the following slate of chairs for committees 11 for, 0 against, 0 abstain
Planning and Zoning – Russell Fraser
Historic Preservation – Angela Reed
Finance Committee – Sam Martin
Mobility – Mike Kelly
Public Safety – Tom Groce
Parks & Environment – David Todd
Schools – Gretchen Otto
Communications – VACANT

7. 7:20 Check-ins on events/goals/issues
Presenters: Committee Chairs/Representatives. Norwood; CodeNEXT; NPCT; ANC*; SCC*; South Central Waterfront; St. Edward’s

Gretchen reported that the committee continues to meet, the next meeting will be April 23rd.
The goal is to create a position paper. The position paper will likely be brought to the May 21st EC meeting.
The city has designated specific dates for public hearings, April 28th, May 1st, May 29th, and June 2nd. Information is available on the CodeNEXT website. You need to go to the meeting to sign up to speak. The CodeNEXT committee will send delegates.

South Central Waterfront
Dan shared there is discussion happening with the Statesman tract later this week.

8. 7:30 Renaming of Fulmore Middle School. AISD’s trustees voted in February to rename 5 schools with names tied to the Confederacy (Fulmore is named for Zachary Taylor Fulmore, a private in the Confederate Army). AISD is soliciting school community input on the new names and will present options to the board.
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, SRCC Schools Chair
Austin ISD’s website has more information: The district is having meetings to solicit public input and ideas for new names.

9. 7:40 Bouldin Creek Community Development Corporation is becoming South Central Austin Community Development Corporation and they are inviting other SCC NAs to join.
Presenter: Gretchen Otto
Gretchen reported that the CDC bylaws have been modified. The boundaries of the area being affected now mimic those used by ANC. They are seeking representatives from each neighborhood association to be on the board. At this point there is no one to receive funds for affordable housing, and the triangle where Hooter’s is quite along in the process. The CDC would like to find a way to keep that money in our area rather than just being given to the city’s affordable housing funds. In the future, if we have funds for affordable housing, we could use the CDC to administer those funds. Right now the CDC board is trying to recruit more members.
Sam Martin expressed concern that having SRCC becoming involved officially, as it might entail financial obligations that we aren’t informed of.

MOTION: Sam Martin/Oliver Caruso that the proposal of having a SRCC Member become a board member of the South Central Austin CDC be reviewed by the Finance Committee for appropriate action. 12 for, 0 against, 0 abstaining


10. 7:50 Due to officer elections, signatories on the SRCC bank account need to be updated. Discussion will consider who should be included on the list. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Oliver Caruso, Treasurer
Oliver shared that our bank account needs to have some old designees removed and current officers to become official signatories. He suggested that the treasurer and co-vice presidents become signatories. Sam stated that Oliver’s proposal makes sense in absence of a president. Gretchen requested considering the format of the written checks for SRCC. Currently, there is only one signature on the checks, and often other entities require two signatures. Oliver said that he would talk to the bank and report back about options for checks. The by-laws require two signatures for expenditures of $500 or more.

MOTION: Oliver Caruso/Sounthaly Outhong to set the treasurer and two co-vice presidents as the signatories on the SRCC bank account 12 for, 0 against, 0 abstaining = PASSED

11. 8:00 Update on recent discussion regarding vacating East Side Drive through Little Stacy Park, and replacement with a nature trail.
Presenter: David Todd, SRCC Parks and Environment Chair
David Todd reminded the EC that this information has been presented previously to the General Membership. The road encircling Little Stacy Park will be vacated and surface type is being considered at this point. Pervious surfaces would benefit the creek. May 10th bids will be opened, and vote will go to the Council in August. Public Works believes there should be a 10 foot wide lane that is paved that goes from the east end of the pool to the alley so that a truck can be run in for chlorine and other needs for Little Stacy pool.

12. 8:15 ANC is revising their bylaws. We’ll review the proposed changes and discuss the upcoming ANC vote to adopt them. [VOTE EXPECTED]
Presenter: Gretchen Otto, Interim SRCC ANC Representative
Gretchen shared that at the last ANC meeting, a bylaws change was rolled out. Previously, the bylaws spelled out minimum requirements for the committee. The proposed changes to their bylaws are the following:
Article III, Section C; “If a neighborhood group fails to meet the criteria for membership, or its activities are contrary to the corporations core values, or any other basis to the interests of ANC or its members, membership applications may be declined at the sole discretion of the ANC Executive Committee by a majority vote.”
Article III, Section D.2: deleted “the approval of a membership application is automatic if all information required by the application is provided” and this text added: “Any determination made by the Executive Committee regarding eligibility and/or membership status may be appealed to the General Membership with a ⅔ vote for approval.”
This change is being implemented to guarantee that groups that are part of ANC have values that support its platform. (Gretchen read those goals aloud to the EC.) Members of SRCC discussed reasons for these changes and clarity of ANC’s core values/platform.

MOTION: Gretchen Otto/Russell Fraser to support the changes to the Bylaws of ANC. 6 for, 3 against, 3 abstaining = PASSED

13. 8:25 A member is considering proposing to vote for SRCC to take a motion to assume a position for a given period of time (for example, for SRCC to abstain from writing letters for 6 months) . Based on Robert’s Rules of Order, would such a vote be effective or merely symbolic – could it be immediately reversed by another vote?
Presenter: Sam Martin
Sam Martin researched through Robert’s Rules of Order that we could either amend or repeal previously voted-upon items. If announced in advance, a simple majority is needed. If not announced in advance, ⅔ majority is needed. Previously voted-upon items would need to be amended or repealed first before voting upon something that might counter it.

-We still need volunteers for the following open positions:
Communications Chair
-Still also looking for Area Coordinator for Area 4a.

Agenda Prepared by Dan Fredine,
Minutes recorded by Mary Janecek-Friedman,

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