CodeNEXT Draft 2 release, and petitions

The second draft of the code re-write has been released, along with revised maps showing how the new zones will be applied. As with the first draft, the public can comment on the draft code directly online, and can make comments to specific parcels on the map. Links to the new code, maps, and supporting documents can be found on the city’s website:

There will be a number of open houses where anyone can go to learn more about the revised draft and ask questions (see below). The SRCC will also host another informational session in our neighborhood on October 17. Public comment will close on October 31.

Our CodeNEXT committee is still hard at work deciphering the revised code and new maps, and will be researching and commenting on both. The committee is likely to release another position paper for our neighborhood specifically. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please contact Tom Fitzpatrick,

The new draft has already generated enough concern and controversy that a number of petitions have begun. Community Not Commodity has two online petitions relating to displacement and to the mapping process. You can read about them here.

There is also a PAC who has created 3 petitions to put referendums on the ballot regarding CodeNEXT. More information here.

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