It’s been a while since we have had movement on the road closure of Sunset Lane, but I do have some updates.
- The boundary survey showed that we would need to vacate a small portion of Eastside Drive, so we had to conduct additional boundary survey. As of last week, the boundary survey for both Sunset and Eastside is officially completed.
- With a completed boundary survey, we are able to finalize our right of way vacation application. Next Thursday, I will meet with Real Estate Services to review our application prior to submittal.
- Last month, I met with PARD Forestry, WPD construction supervisors, and Public Works Street and Bridge to discuss coordination of the construction effort, including asphalt removal, asphalt pathing, curb realignment, and tree care.
- Based on our coordination meeting, we will work on finalizing design plans.
- The ROW Vacation Request was submitted to Real Estate on March 9th (attaching project map that accompanied the request). We have been responding to stakeholder review comments since then. Because we vetted this through all major stakeholders prior to submittal, nothing unexpected has surfaced during this review. All comments were due on March 28th and Real Estate is rustling up the stragglers to finalize this review phase.