CodeNEXT Timeline Update

January 30, 2017: First Draft Code Released. On January 30, 2017, city staff will release the first draft of Austin’s new Land Development Code for public review. This draft will contain specific, detailed requirements about how and what you can build in Austin, including all homes, businesses, apartment complexes or other structures. In addition to regulating building size, shape, height, setbacks, etc., the code will also address important health and safety concerns such as flood mitigation, drainage, egress and access.

At the same time, city staff will release sample maps to show how the new code could be applied in different parts of town. These samples will include a variety of types of neighborhoods so you can choose the one that most resembles the area where you live or work to see how proposed changes in the new code might affect you and your neighbors.

The draft code will be available on the main CodeNEXT website page:

February 2017: Public Feedback Begins. There will be a number of ways for the public to weigh in on the draft code. Generally speaking, the feedback window will begin in February 2017 and run all the way through the spring of 2018 before the City Council formally votes on whether to adopt the new code. In preparing any feedback, please be aware that the new code is intended to reflect the priorities adopted in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, available here:

April 18, 2017: Draft Zoning Maps Released. On April 18, 2017, city staff will release the first draft of code mapping for public review. This will show the specific areas, neighborhoods and streets where various sections of the new code will actually be applied. The mapping part of the code will be particularly important to school communities to ensure that there are no inappropriate uses near campuses or that new code requirements, such as parking reductions for nearby uses, don’t inadvertently hamper family access to our schools.

Summer 2017: CodeNEXT Advisory Group Final Report Completed. The CodeNEXT Advisory Group (CAG) will submit its final report to the Zoning and Platting Commission, Planning Commission and Austin City Council in early July 2017, after which the CAG will be formally dissolved. Subject to time and interest, individual CAG members may choose to remain involved as the draft code continues to move through the city process.

September 2017- April 2018: Formal Public Hearings at Planning Commission, ZAP and City Council. After weighing public feedback, city staff will prepare a revised “commission draft” to be presented to the Planning Commission and Zoning and Platting Commission for formal public hearings, scheduled to begin in September 2017. The Commissions will then forward the draft, with any recommendations, to the City Council for more public hearings starting in December and running through April 2018. Absent revisions to the timeline, City Council may vote to adopt the new code by early summer 2018.

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