SRCC Archives in Austin History Center

Prior to creation of SRCC website and before SRCC Executives set up a google drive account to manage SRCC documents, SRCC worked with paper documents. The SRCC archive files have been donated for preservation to the Austin History Center (AHC), at the corner of 8th & Guadelupe St. You must come in to the Austin History Center to use the materials. The call number for the South River City Collection is AR.2011.008.  AHC also houses The Jean Mather Collection, an extensive archive of SRCC records, as well as Jean’s many accomplishments and contributions to neighborhoods and quality of life in Austin. The call number for this collection is AR.W.003.  Although the records are not searchable online, detailed descriptions and contents lists  can be viewed through TARO** website.

South River City Collection:

Jean Mather Collection:

**Texas Archives Resources Online (TARO) is a project of The University of Texas Future phases may incorporate digital surrogates of collections. In the meantime, consider these extended table of contents.

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