Richard Suttle, representing Speedy Stop located at 1320 East Oltorf Street (Case #: SPC-2012-0068AW), has WITHDRAWN  their request for a waiver of  ordinance prohibiting sale alcoholic beverages within 300 ft of schools and daycares.  Residents who have been working against the waiver no longer need to attend the council meeting on Thursday August 6, 2012 to show opposition.    In a meeting on Wednesday Aug. 1, 2012  Mayor Pro Tem Cole confirmed it is not just a postponement, but full withdrawal.
Thanks to the neighbors and representatives from schools, Faith Presbyterian church, Child Development Center and interested parties who attended meetings with Council Members, met with press, gave interviews and collaborated with all organizations opposed to this issue. You made a difference.
NOTE: Richard Suttle has requested the same waiver for Speedy Stop location bordering Reagan High School. SRCC Â supports the residents and schools who oppose granting that waiver.