SRCC General Membership Meeting Minutes – 4/5/2011
1. room arrangement, meeting procedures, etiquette, welcome newcomers. presenter throughout: sarah campbell, president, unless otherwise noted.
2. membership & voting announcements. presenter: carol martin, membership chair
3. approve minutes from march 8, 2011, annual meeting
MOTION: jeremy/mary – to approve the minutes = PASSED
4. 504 e annie, a new house is proposed for this vacant lot on the north side of e annie, applicant wants greater FAR than allowed on the lot size. presenter: jean mather, planning and zoning com, and tom hurt, architect for applicant.
the executive committee did not support the waiver based on the recommendations of the planning and zoning committee. a large tree is in the middle of the lot and creates some challenges for the 6,000 sq/ft lot but it did not restrict the owner from designing a building that required no waiver. current code allows for a maximum 2,400 sq/ft home and they are requesting 2,740 sq/ft, a 15% increase in the FAR (floor to area ratio).
MOTION: jean/garret – to support the executive committee’s previous decision = PASSED
5. Proposed RPP (Residential Parking Permit) for 1600 & 1700 blocks of Nickerson, between Milton and Monroe. Presenter: Joe Day, resident on Nickerson.
The affected residents of Nickerson were given the opportunity to sign the request to have RPPs. The required number of signatures was not met on the 1700 block but the 1600 block overwhelmingly supported the effort with 17 of 19 homes signing. Each residence will receive 2 residents/home permits and 2 guest permits. The ticket for violating the new parking rule is $15.
MOTION: Claudette Lowe/Betty Weed – to support the permit request = PASSED
6. proposed RPP for 3400 block of willow springs rd, between braeswood and woodward. presenter: kim lanzilotti, member on willow springs and area 8 coordinator
residents in this area are increasingly affected by st edwards university students parking on their street and blocking access to their homes.
MOTION: betty/claudette – support rpp request = PASSED
7. adoption of ad hoc committee on financial policies and procedures’ recommendations based on executive com’e actions.
this committee has been operating with sam martin as the chair and has created documents to help clarify SRCC financial policies and procedures and create a clear and easily transferable method to guide future volunteers in related matters.
MOTION: betty/jean – to support the change from an Ad Hoc to a new, permanent SRCC Committee = PASSED
8. resolution requesting city include permanent traffic calming measures in sherwood oaks as part of, or incident to, the 14 month oltorf street reconstruction project scheduled to begin this spring. presenter: garret, secretary
past efforts have succeeded in having the city place the sherwood oaks neighborhood on the list to receive traffic calming based on data collected by neighbors. sherwood oaks was removed from this list when the city pulled funding for the project and never returned to a similar list for future consideration. with st edwards working to increase enrollment and the oltorf project restricting traffic flow that might create increased load as well, it might be a good time to re-examine traffic calming. the effort is to restore the process and move the project forward either in it’s original/approved state or by determining the current/new process and going from there.
MOTION: betty/elloa – obtain updated information from the City on the status of traffic calming and revisit past SO traffic study in order to make more informed resolution = PASSED
9. revision to adopted SRCC “variance review policy and process” to include”waivers” and “modifications” to the mcmansion ordinance that are now reviewed by the RDCC (residential design and compatibility commission). assuming approval, the final language may be worked out by the planning and zoning committee and approved by the executive committee.
PASSED by acclamation
10. annual 4th of july parade and picnic – discuss and decide options. presenter: betty weed, member, 4th organizer
betty has volunteered once again to get the apd permit and insurance but the rest of the event will be a BYOEverything style unless someone else is interested in stepping up and organizing something more. the past organizers of the event are ready to pass the torch and are looking for some fresh new faces to make the 4th of july parade the crown jewel of SRCC events once again! Everyone, consider yourselves forewarned.
11. EROC updates. presenter: toni house, member
a. urban rail input meeting in area 6, this saturday 11-2, ruiz library
b. 1406-1506 Parker Lane zoning case goes to planning com tues, april 12th. no word from city in weeks. developer is trying to resolve existing bad drainage issue in order to build, but needs to hear back from city drainage folks.
c. east riverside corridor study – for more information visit
d. 2100 parker lane pocket park – no new news, just waiting on new appraisal of proposed parker pocket park property.
12. update on crime in the hood. presenter: marc davis, vp and chair of safety com
at a recent meeting it was decided to identify a high crime area and focus efforts on that test area before deploying that strategy in other areas. this effort is volunteer driven and any help is appreciated. similar volunteer efforts in barton hills have been successful in decreasing crime.
13. update on city’s imagine austin comprehensive plan process. presenter: jean mather, co-chair zoning and planning committee
the most recent meeting jean attended was 4 hours long and involved 100 people with the results now going to City staff, mark walters, for tabulation and distillation.
14. updates from ANC and on norwood study. presenter: wolf sittler, member, rep to ANC and norwood posse chair
wolf was unable to attend.
15. on sunday, april 10th at 7pm, austin interfaith is hosting an accountability session at st ignatious martyr catholic church. this is an opportunity to engage three current city council members as well as three prospective council members. also in attendance will be austin police chief art acavedo and aisd board president mark williams and state senator kirk watson is slated to attend.