Executive Committee Meeting & Minutes 2/21/11




6:00 PM






& Meeting Minutes

Attending:  Carol Martin, Claudette Lowe, Dawn Cizmar, Teresa Griffin, Sam Martin, Brian Talenti, Sarah Campbell, Marc Davis.


1.  6:00  Ad Hoc Financial Policy & Procedures Committee recommendations after 1+ years of meeting, discussion and actions.

Presenter:  Sam Martin, Chair

Sam Martin presented a brief summary of what the Committee has done already to bring the SRCC organization current on its State and Federal reporting responsibilities.  He then presented a list of 8 Recommendations of the SRCC Ad Hoc Financial Policy and Procedures Committee, and discussed them briefly.

MOTION: by Claudette Lowe, seconded by Teresa Griffin:  to support the Recommendations, to end the Ad Hoc Committee and begin a new, permanent Financial Policy and Procedures Committee [Rec. #1].



MOTION: by Marc Davis, amended by Carol Martin, accepted by Marc,  seconded by Teresa Griffin, to name Sam Martin as Chair of the new, permanent Committee.


APPROVED unanimously, both motions.

2.  6:15  Ad Hoc Communications Committee recommendation and presentation on one of several charges, a new website for SRCC.

Presenter:  Carol Martin, Chair

Carol Martin briefly reviewed the work of the Committee toward expanding communication with residents in SRCC.  One goal has been to develop a new website that offers more functionality and content management features (calendar, content contributors, key word searching, etc.)  This site would be owned by SRCC.  Marc Davis and Garret Nick (Garret not present) have done the bulk of the investigative and development work on a new SRCC website.

Marc described (with projected visuals) the relative ease of creating an SRCC website using WordPress blog hosting.  Marc and Garret created srccatx.org on WordPress; all Communications Committee members have been given primary (Marc & Garret only) or secondary access, and have taken the tutorial created by Marc in order to add content.  All members have added content.  The site needs a bit more content, as well as updating of some original content before we launch to the whole membership.  It is NOT a list serve.  It will NOT replace the SRCC Yahoo group.  The advantage of using WordPress blog tool for our website is that officers and committee chairs can each be responsible to post events and news for the issues they represent.  The site is designed to be ‘generic’ so that transition between old and new officers is smooth.

MOTION:  by Carol Martin, seconded: that SRCC adopt the WordPress site designated as srccatx.org, and to move forward with next steps as proposed by the Ad Hoc Communications Committee.


APPROVED unanimously.

At the next Communications Committee meeting, process details for training committee chairs to add content will be worked out.

3.  7:00  Requested modification to FAR at 504 E Annie St.

Teresa Griffin described the modification requested for building of a new home on the vacant lot at 504 E Annie St.  While she recommended against approving the requested modifications, she said the architect had done plenty of things well and we should mention this — basically, the owners simply want to build a house that is larger than the lot allows.

MOTION: by Teresa Griffin, seconded:  to oppose the Code modification requested by the applicant, in support of and as recommended by the SRCC Planning & Zoning Committee.


APPROVED unanimously.






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