Feb. 8th Deadline for NEW members to join and vote in SRCC elections

SRCC officer elections will be held at the Annual General Membership meeting on March 8, 2011.   According to our bylaws only dues paid members can vote. If you’ve been a member during the last 2 years, but are not currently dues paid, you can pay at the meeting. For all others there is a 28-day waiting period after joining before a member is eligible to vote. That means February 8th is the deadline for NEW members to pay dues and vote in the election. If you have questions about your status, email srccmemberships@gmail.com.  Dues are $20 for single membership and $35 for family membership. Print out and complete the SRCC Membership Form.   Send  a check made payable to SRCC (memo note: membership), along with completed
form, to: SRCC, Attention: Treasurer, Post Office Box 40632, Austin, Texas 78704

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