Those of us who have volunteered to be block captains in our neighborhood watch program are having a meeting this coming Monday.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and get input on different ways to address the recent uptick in burglaries in our neighborhood as well as refresh on more advanced neighborhood watch and patrol techniques.
We are fortunate to have John Luther, the Chair of the Barton Hills Neighborhood Watch Program, with us for this meeting to give his advice based upon their extremely successful program.  A representative from APD will be there to provide input as well.
We would LOVE to have anyone interested in preventing crime in the neighborhood to attend.  If the recent burglaries have renewed your interest in helping protect our homes and property, please feel free to join us!
The basic agenda is as follows:
- Brief Update on our Neighborhood Watch Program
- Overview of the recent crimes in the SRCC
- Update on the Barton Hills Neighborhood Watch Program
- Discussion about what techniques used by Barton Hills could be helpful to SRCC
- Discussion of more advanced neighborhood watch techniques