Communication committee meeting minutes 04-07-2010

Communications Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes, April 7, 2010, 5:30pm @ Cissi’s Market on S Congress


 Attending:  Sarah Campbell, Marc Davis, Carol Martin, Garret Nick

Absent:  Helen Valdez (resigned as Chair but will remain on Committee)

 Committee stalled since ’09 holidays.  Met to start again.  Elected Carol Martin as new Chair, unanimously.  Helen Valdez and Dawn Cizmar will remain as members and be kept informed.

 Carol summarized discussion from last meeting:

  • Back off website development for time being.
  • Develop standard procedures & responses for items that repeat on agenda, such as requests for variances, zoning changes, in order to provide consistent information.
  • Consider N2 newsletter.

 Sarah requested we update one another on Membership, Newsletter, Website & List Serve.

 Carol – Membership:  Carol sent a draft to us several months ago of a standard “dues expiration reminder” for use with SRCC members.  She will find it, tweak it and send again within a week.  She is also going to do a little research to determine a guesstimate maximum number of reminders per month she would have to send, to determine the amount of potential work involved for her.  If all settled in time, we will announce the “reminder” idea in May agenda and vote on it at the ExCom Meeting  May 17th. 

All – Newsletter, go commercial or stay same?: We wondered if we could do an “N2” type newsletter ourselves by requesting it on Craig’s List, for example??  Maybe, but first we will consider the N2 proposal by:

  • Obtain regular content commitments – within a week, Sarah will develop a            content list and begin to get commitments.
  • Ask the N2 rep (Vanessa Johnson) our collected questions; also ask her if she    has any other neighborhood associations in Austin using N2 at this point – Carol will do this (within a week??).
  • Marc will donate his business’s attorney’s time to review the N2 contract for us – by when?
  • Aim to have this information to present to ExCom at May 17th meeting.

Marc & Garret – Website & List Serve:  M&G have determined that NIng will work for us, that we can tweak the main page(s) and let whomever signs up develop the list serve elements.  M&G need one more meeting to revamp Ning page to send to us for feedback.  They will meet within one week and send revamp soon thereafter.

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