CodeNEXT Draft 3

The third draft of the code re-write is now available for review and feedback. As with previous drafts, the City of Austin is collecting citizens’ comments on the online CodeNEXT document, which can be found at:

The chapter about zoning is 23-4, and one can find links to the various types of zones in the table of contents. This site allows you to find and comment on specific sections of the code. You can comment on not only the zoning proposal but also the administrative procedural changes proposed.

What is CodeNEXT?

CodeNEXT is the name the city staff has given tot he process of developing a new land development code (LDC) for Austin. What is the land development code?

  • The LDC controls what can and cannot be built within the city limits
  • The LDC defines what uses are allowed on what size lots and the parking required
  • The LDC controls how big you can build and how much land you can cover
  • The LDC defines the public rights on land use changes and negotiations with builders

CodeNEXT is a complete re-write of the existing LDC that has governed development since 1985.

  • CodeNEXT will change the rules for development for almost every site in the city
  • CodeNEXT will impact residential, multi-family, and commercial property
  • CodeNEXT could reduce the pubic’s rights with regard to the development process

Zoning Maps

The city has also updated the CodeNEXT city-wide zoning maps. You can compare the proposed CodeNEXT draft map to the existing zoning for both overall city wide zoning changes and for particular property zoning changes through the city’s interactive site at:

This site allows you to select a specific location (like your property or a local business address) and to comment on its existing or proposed zoning. You may also use this site to make general comments on any aspect of the proposed code.

Other ways to share your thoughts with the city:


How does the new draft affect SRCC?

There is an ad-hoc committee who will be reviewing the new code and maps to determine how draft 3 will affect SRCC. If you have specific concerns, or would like to join the committee, please contact Chair Tom Fitzpatrick: fitz (at) The committee plans to meet next on March 19, 2018.

Also, SRCC voted to support the petition being circulated that puts the approval of CodeNEXT to a vote of the people. Signatures are still needed! You must be a registered voter (in Austin) to sign, and you must sign the hard copy and mail it in. Petitions can be printed here:

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