Neighborhood Watch Training Session – March 8 – 7:00 PM

Spring is right around the corner and as summer heats up so does our crime in the SRCC.   With people out of school, away on vacation and out of work, the  warm weather will start to increase the number of burglaries and break-in’s for the SRCC.

So, please come and help us do something about it.   Come and get trained for the Neighborhood Watch.   Who knows you might learn something new?    For instance, did you know that the majority of burglary in the SRCC take place on Tuesday.

I wanted to let everyone know that we have a training session for NEW MEMBERS coming up on Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Grace United Methodist Church.   At this meeting new members will be instructed what to look for, safety, basic patrol skills and techniques.

Additionally, we request all previously trained members come by at 8:00.   As you may know participation is a huge problem right now.   Of the almost 50 people who are trained, only  about 15 are regularly going on patrols.   We are attempting to establish a buddy system as well as providing a tutorial for how to us the calendar on Google.   Additionally, we’d love to have your support in welcoming the new members.

If you have any neighbors or know of anyone who is interested please pass this along to them.   There are no alternate times as this point so it may be another few months before we train again.

As always, we’re looking for new block captains:

Neighborhood Watch Block Captains

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